This bundle implements the Eonasdan Bootstrap DateTime Picker in a Form Type for Symfony 2.*. The bundle structure is inspired by GenemuFormBundle and Fork of SCDatetimepickerBundle., (*1)
The principle is to separate the javascript, stylesheet and html.
This allows better integration of web pages., (*11)
``` twig
{% block stylesheets %}
, (*12)
{{ form_stylesheet(form) }}
{% endblock %}, (*13)
{% block javascripts %}
, (*14)
{{ form_javascript(form) }}
{% endblock %}, (*15)
{% block body %}, (*16)
{% endblock %}
```, (*17)
The documentation of the datetime picker is here :, (*18)
The date format from php 'array('format'=>'DD/MM/YYYY') is used to set automatically the date format of Symfony in order to make compatible Symfony and JavaScript output., (*19)