Symfony3 bundle for getting JSON-encoded locations data
Implemented Symfony3 bundle for getting JSON-encoded locations data stored in predefined format (see data examples here)., (*1)
- Client defined as a service class in a bundle config;
- Client utilize CURL as a transport layer and rely upon third-party bundle sensio/buzz-bundle;
- Properly defined exceptions are thrown on CURL errors, malformed JSON response and error JSON response;
- Resulting data are fetched as an array of properly defined PHP objects (
If you don't have symfony installed - go here., (*2)
Installing the bundle via packagist is the quickest and simplest method of installing the bundle. Here are the steps:, (*3)
Step 1: Composer require
$ php composer.phar require derkien/eight-bit-bundle 1.*
Step 2: Enable the bundle in the kernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Derkien\EightBitBundle\EightBitBundle(),
new \Sensio\Bundle\BuzzBundle\SensioBuzzBundle()
// ...
Step 3: Add routing (for default controller)
resource: '@EightBitBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml'
That's it! You are ready to use EightBitBundle with symfony3!, (*4)