2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle google-oauth2

Simple Google oAuth2 bundle



Simple Google oAuth2 bundle

  • Sunday, March 19, 2017
  • by sjonkeesse
  • Repository
  • 1 Watchers
  • 0 Stars
  • 108 Installations
  • PHP
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  • 1 Versions
  • 0 % Grown


screenshot, (*1)


  • [ ] Check invalid refresh token response for when permission is retracted


  1. Enable the bundle
  2. Add configuration
  3. Include routes
  4. Extend AccessToken and RefreshToken with custom properties
  5. Create TokenProvider

Step 1: Install / enable the bundle

``` sh php app/console cache:clear, (*2)

``` php <?php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Defineweb\Bundle\GoogleOauth2Bundle\GoogleOauth2Bundle(), ); }

Step 2: Configure

``` yaml, (*3)


google_oauth2: app_id: %google_app_id% app_secret: %google_app_secret% hosted_domain: %google_hosted_domain% redirect_uri: google_oauth2_callback # Url or route id scope: - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloudprint # Available scopes: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/googlescopes, (*4)

Create / configure an app in the Google Developer environment: [https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials](https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials) - Create app - Add a redirect / callback url (for example: https://yourdomain.com/google-oauth/callback) - Verify your domain [https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/domainverification](https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/domainverification) ``` yaml # app/config/parameters.yml google_app_id: ******.apps.googleusercontent.com google_app_secret: ************* google_hosted_domain: https://yourdomain.com

Step 3: Include routes

Import routing using yml: ``` yaml, (*5)


Optional status route

google_oauth2_status: path: /google-oauth/status defaults: _controller: GoogleOauth2Bundle:OAuth:status, (*6)

google_oauth2: resource: "@GoogleOauth2Bundle/Resources/config/routing.xml" prefix: /google-oauth, (*7)

Using xml:
``` xml

<route id="google_oauth_status" path="/google-oauth/status">
    <default key="_controller">GoogleOauth2Bundle:OAuth:status</default>

<import resource="@GoogleOauth2Bundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"/>

Step 4: Extend AccessToken and RefreshToken with custom properties

``` php <?php // src/Acme/AppBundle/Entity/AccessToken.php, (*8)

namespace Acme\AppBundle\Entity;, (*9)

use Defineweb\Bundle\GoogleOauth2Bundle\Entity\AccessToken as BaseAccessToken; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;, (*10)

/** * @ORM\Entity */ class AccessToken extends BaseAccessToken { /** * @ORM\Id * @ORM\Column(type="integer") * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO") */ protected $id;, (*11)

 * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Your\Own\Entity\User")
protected $user;

}, (*12)

``` php <?php // src/Acme/AppBundle/Entity/RefreshToken.php namespace Acme\AppBundle\Entity; use Defineweb\Bundle\GoogleOauth2Bundle\Entity\RefreshToken as BaseRefreshToken; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; /** * @ORM\Entity */ class RefreshToken extends BaseRefreshToken { /** * @ORM\Id * @ORM\Column(type="integer") * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO") */ protected $id; /** * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Your\Own\Entity\User") */ protected $user; }

Step 5: Create TokenProvider

``` php <?php, (*13)

namespace Acme\AppBundle\Provider;, (*14)

use Acme\AppBundle\Entity\AccessToken; use Acme\AppBundle\Entity\RefreshToken; use Defineweb\Bundle\GoogleOauth2Bundle\Provider\TokenProviderInterface; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;, (*15)

class TokenProvider implements TokenProviderInterface { /** * @var EntityManager */ protected $entityManager;, (*16)

 * Your own user provider or some other logic
protected $userProvider;

public function __construct(EntityManager $em, UserProvider $userProvider)
    $this->entityManager = $em;
    $this->userProvider = $userProvider;

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function getAccessToken()
    $result = $this->entityManager->getRepository('AppBundle:AccessToken')->findBy(
        ['user' => $this->userProvider->getUser()],
        ['expiresAt' => 'desc'],

    return key_exists(0, $result) ? $result[0] : null;

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function getRefreshToken()
    $result = $this->entityManager->getRepository('AppBundle:RefreshToken')->findBy(
        ['user' => $this->userProvider->getUser()],
        ['id' => 'desc'],

    return key_exists(0, $result) ? $result[0] : null;

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function createAccessToken()
    return new AccessToken();

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function createRefreshToken()
    return new RefreshToken();

}, (*17)

Register this TokenProvider as a service with a `google_oauth2.token_provider` tag ``` xml <service id="app.provider.token" class="Acme\AppBundle\Provider\TokenProvider"> <argument type="service" id="doctrine.orm.entity_manager"/> <!--<argument type="service" id="your_user_provider"/>--> <tag name="google_oauth2.token_provider"/> </service>

The Versions

19/03 2017



Simple Google oAuth2 bundle

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The Requires


The Development Requires

by Robin Jansen