, (*1)
The DCSSecurityCoreBundle offers the integration of DCSUser with the Symfony security system., (*2)
This bundle provides a custom UserProvider and a custom AuthenticationProvider., (*3)
The UserProvider
The UserProvider using the DCS\User\CoreBundle\Repository\UserRepositoryInterface
deals with recovering the user. During the loadUserByUsername action will be emitted two events (before and after the user search) that allow you to insert additional logic., (*4)
The AuthenticationProvider
This provider extends the Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Provider\DaoAuthenticationProvider
and adds an event after executing the authenticate method. The AuthenticationProvider is not used directly by this bundle, but is provided as a service in the implementation of a final SecurityFactoryInterface., (*5)
See: DCSSecurityAuthFormBundle authentication system that uses the login form., (*6)
The complete list of events is within the class DCS\Security\CoreBundle\DCSSecurityCoreEvents
., (*7)
This bundle requires DCSUserCoreBundle., (*8)
Require the bundle
Run the following command:, (*9)
$ composer require dcs/security-core-bundle "~1.0@dev"
Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/dcs/security-core-bundle
directory., (*10)
Enable the bundle
Enable the bundle in the kernel:, (*11)
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new DCS\Security\CoreBundle\DCSSecurityCoreBundle(),
// ...
Now that you have properly enabled this bundle, the next step is to configure it to work with the specific needs of your application., (*12)
Add the following configuration to your config.yml
., (*13)
And sets the provider to your security.yml
., (*14)
id: dcs_security.core.provider.user
# !!Now use the provider in your authentication provider within the firewall!!
Reporting an issue or a feature request
Issues and feature requests are tracked in the Github issue tracker., (*15)