, (*1)
This JsLogger Bundle aims to catch error in the frontend and sending them to backend.
All errors will be handled by a JsLogger Service that persists the log into a channel named javascript, (*2)
Big thanks goes out to Bugsnag and Nelmio. Thanks for sharing the code that inspired me., (*3)
Bugsnag Javascript, (*4)
NelmioJsLoggerBundle, (*5)
Step 1: Composer
Required in composer.json, (*6)
"dawen/js-logger-bundle": "~1.0"
Step 2: AppKernel
In your app/config/AppHernel.php file you should activate the bundle by adding it to the array, (*7)
$bundles[] = new \Dawen\Bundle\JsLoggerBundle\JsLoggerBundle();
Step 3: Script
In your twig template you should place the twig method call before all your other javascript is initialized and before the closing body tag, (*8)
{{ js_logger() }}
Go ony with configuration section if needed., (*9)
enabled: true
allowed_levels: [warning, error]
If The configuration sections is not defined, default values will be applied., (*10)
Parameter Description
enabled:, (*11)
possible values: true, false
default value: true
description: If disabled, the JsLogger service will be removed from container and the JsTwigExtension will not dump the needed script tag, (*12)
allowed_levels:, (*13)
possible values: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug
default value: []
description: If an empty array is provided, there will be no restriction. You can restrict the logger pushing the logs to monolog, by setting values., (*14)
For installing and minifying the jslogger.js simply run from the bundles root path:, (*15)
npm install && npm run build