This is a simple bundle to use the GitElephant library in a Symfony project., (*1)
How to install
Method 1 - composer for Symfony 2.1 and above (recommended), (*2)
- Add the following line to the
``` json
"require": {
"cypresslab/gitelephant-bundle": "dev-master"
}, (*3)
- Execute composer update command
``` bash
$ composer update
- Register the bundle in the kernel file
app/AppKernel.php, (*4)
``` php
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...other bundles
new Cypress\GitElephantBundle\CypressGitElephantBundle(),
// ...other bundles
return $bundles;
}, (*5)
>Is recommended to register this bundle only in development environment for safety reasons.
``` php
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...other bundles
if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
// ...other development and testing bundles
$bundles[] = new Cypress\GitElephantBundle\CypressGitElephantBundle();
return $bundles;
Method 2 - submodules, (*6)
You can also manage the two git repositories with git and submodules. It could be a mess if you don't know what you do, but I personally prefer this way, (*7)
``` bash
$ git submodule add git:// src/git-elephant
$ git submodule add git:// src/Cypress/GitElephantBundle, (*8)
This two commands will clone the two repositories inside your "src" folder. You can use any folder you want in your symfony project. Just remember to update the *app/autoload.php* file and to activate the bundle in *app/AppKernel.php*
The namespace for the bundle is "Cypress". You must clone the bundle in a Cypress folder, or it will not work. Your autoload file should point to the folder that **contains** the Cypress folder
The GitElephant namespace in autoload should point to the "src" folder inside the GitElephant repository
To actually clone the submodules give the command
``` bash
$ git submodule update --init
For more info about git submodules read the dedicated section inside the awesome Pro Git book by Scott Chacon., (*9)
How to use
To use the bundle you have to define two parameters in you app/config/config.yml file under cypress_git_elephant section, (*10)
binary_path: /usr/local/bin/git
"GitElephant": "/home/matteo/libraries/GitElephant"
"Bootstrap": "/home/matteo/libraries/Bootstrap"
# ... other repositories
binary_path: (optional) is the path to your git executable. If you don't provide this GItElephant try to argue the right executable with "which git". Remember that this lib only works on *nix filesystems., (*11)
Now, inside your controllers, you can easily access the GitElephant library with dependency injection:, (*12)
repositories: (at least one is required) is an hash with key: a repository name, value: the repository path, (*13)
The repository path could also be a bare repository (useful for web servers). But without a checked out copy you won't be able to modify the repository state. You will be able to show the repository, but not, for example, create a new commit, (*14)
``` php
class AwesomeController extends Controller
* @Route("/", name="repository_root")
* @Template()
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
* @return array
public function rootAction(Request $request)
// Repository instance
$repositories = $this->get('cypress_git_elephant.repository_collection');
// There is also an handy alias
$repositories = $this->get('git_repositories');
// $repositories is an instance of GitElephant\Cypress\GitElephantBundle\Collection\GitElephantRepositoryCollection
// it has the Countable, ArrayAccess and Iterator interfaces. So you can do:
$num_repos = count($repositories); //number of repositories
$git_elephant = $repositories->get('GitElephant'); // retrieve a Repository instance by its name (defined in config.yml)
// iterate
foreach ($repositories as $repo) {
}, (*15)
Read the documentation of [GitElephant]( to know what you can do with the *Repository* class, or [watch the demo site]( build with this bundle, and [the relative code](
Web Debug Toolbar
As a bonus, thanks to the GitElephant library, you can have the branch of any repository right inside yuor Symfony2 toolbar.
Add this to your **dev** configuration file *app/config/config_dev.yml*
enable_profiler: true
profiler_repository_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/../"
If you use git with Symfony2, with the above configuration, you can see directly from the browser the branch you are in. Click on the icon and you get a list of the last 10 commits for the branch you are in.
Available console commands
This command is useful to commit (default stage all) all changes in current branch and push to all remotes.
``` bash
$ php app/console cypress:git:commit [--no-push] [--no-stage-all] [--all] message
cypress:git:tag, (*16)
This command is useful to tag current commit and push to all remotes., (*17)
``` bash
$ php app/console cypress:git:tag [--no-push] [--all] tag [comment], (*18)
This command will merge (default without fast forward) from source (default devel) to destination (default master) branch and push to all remotes.
``` bash
$ php app/console cypress:git:merge [--no-push] [--fast-forward] [--all] [source] [destination]
cypress:git:hit, (*19)
Combo command to merge without fast forward option from source to destination branch, tag destination branch and push to all remotes., (*20)
$ php app/console cypress:git:hit [--no-push] [--fast-forward] [--all] tag [comment] [source] [destination]
, (*21)
There is also a demo bundle to see it in action., (*22)