2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle gitelephant-bundle

GitElephant bundle for Symfony2



GitElephant bundle for Symfony2

  • Tuesday, September 20, 2016
  • by matteosister
  • Repository
  • 6 Watchers
  • 27 Stars
  • 13,770 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
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  • 8 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 4 Versions
  • 2 % Grown



This is a simple bundle to use the GitElephant library in a Symfony project., (*1)

How to install

Method 1 - composer for Symfony 2.1 and above (recommended), (*2)

  • Add the following line to the composer.json file:

``` json { "require": { "cypresslab/gitelephant-bundle": "dev-master" } }, (*3)

- Execute composer update command ``` bash $ composer update
  • Register the bundle in the kernel file

app/AppKernel.php, (*4)

``` php class AppKernel extends Kernel { public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ...other bundles new Cypress\GitElephantBundle\CypressGitElephantBundle(), ); // ...other bundles return $bundles; } }, (*5)

>Is recommended to register this bundle only in development environment for safety reasons. ``` php class AppKernel extends Kernel { public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ...other bundles ); if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) { // ...other development and testing bundles $bundles[] = new Cypress\GitElephantBundle\CypressGitElephantBundle(); } return $bundles; } }

Method 2 - submodules, (*6)

You can also manage the two git repositories with git and submodules. It could be a mess if you don't know what you do, but I personally prefer this way, (*7)

``` bash $ git submodule add git://github.com/matteosister/GitElephant.git src/git-elephant $ git submodule add git://github.com/matteosister/GitElephantBundle.git src/Cypress/GitElephantBundle, (*8)

This two commands will clone the two repositories inside your "src" folder. You can use any folder you want in your symfony project. Just remember to update the *app/autoload.php* file and to activate the bundle in *app/AppKernel.php* The namespace for the bundle is "Cypress". You must clone the bundle in a Cypress folder, or it will not work. Your autoload file should point to the folder that **contains** the Cypress folder The GitElephant namespace in autoload should point to the "src" folder inside the GitElephant repository To actually clone the submodules give the command ``` bash $ git submodule update --init

For more info about git submodules read the dedicated section inside the awesome Pro Git book by Scott Chacon., (*9)

How to use

To use the bundle you have to define two parameters in you app/config/config.yml file under cypress_git_elephant section, (*10)

    binary_path: /usr/local/bin/git
        "GitElephant": "/home/matteo/libraries/GitElephant"
        "Bootstrap": "/home/matteo/libraries/Bootstrap"
        # ... other repositories

binary_path: (optional) is the path to your git executable. If you don't provide this GItElephant try to argue the right executable with "which git". Remember that this lib only works on *nix filesystems., (*11)

Now, inside your controllers, you can easily access the GitElephant library with dependency injection:, (*12)

repositories: (at least one is required) is an hash with key: a repository name, value: the repository path, (*13)

The repository path could also be a bare repository (useful for web servers). But without a checked out copy you won't be able to modify the repository state. You will be able to show the repository, but not, for example, create a new commit, (*14)

``` php class AwesomeController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/", name="repository_root") * @Template() * * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request * @return array */ public function rootAction(Request $request) { // Repository instance $repositories = $this->get('cypress_git_elephant.repository_collection'); // There is also an handy alias $repositories = $this->get('git_repositories'); // $repositories is an instance of GitElephant\Cypress\GitElephantBundle\Collection\GitElephantRepositoryCollection // it has the Countable, ArrayAccess and Iterator interfaces. So you can do: $num_repos = count($repositories); //number of repositories $git_elephant = $repositories->get('GitElephant'); // retrieve a Repository instance by its name (defined in config.yml) // iterate foreach ($repositories as $repo) { $repo->getLog(); } } }, (*15)

Read the documentation of [GitElephant](https://github.com/matteosister/GitElephant) to know what you can do with the *Repository* class, or [watch the demo site](http://gitelephant.cypresslab.net/) build with this bundle, and [the relative code](https://github.com/matteosister/GitElephantDemoBundle). Web Debug Toolbar ------------------ As a bonus, thanks to the GitElephant library, you can have the branch of any repository right inside yuor Symfony2 toolbar. Add this to your **dev** configuration file *app/config/config_dev.yml* cypress_git_elephant: enable_profiler: true profiler_repository_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/../" If you use git with Symfony2, with the above configuration, you can see directly from the browser the branch you are in. Click on the icon and you get a list of the last 10 commits for the branch you are in. Available console commands -------------------------- **cypress:git:commit** This command is useful to commit (default stage all) all changes in current branch and push to all remotes. ``` bash $ php app/console cypress:git:commit [--no-push] [--no-stage-all] [--all] message

cypress:git:tag, (*16)

This command is useful to tag current commit and push to all remotes., (*17)

``` bash $ php app/console cypress:git:tag [--no-push] [--all] tag [comment], (*18)

**cypress:git:merge** This command will merge (default without fast forward) from source (default devel) to destination (default master) branch and push to all remotes. ``` bash $ php app/console cypress:git:merge [--no-push] [--fast-forward] [--all] [source] [destination]

cypress:git:hit, (*19)

Combo command to merge without fast forward option from source to destination branch, tag destination branch and push to all remotes., (*20)

bash $ php app/console cypress:git:hit [--no-push] [--fast-forward] [--all] tag [comment] [source] [destination], (*21)


There is also a demo bundle to see it in action., (*22)

The Versions