9999999-devA bundle that offers a set of tools to monitor emails sent via Mailgun
The Requires
by Yannis Touili
mailgun tools admin bundle
A bundle that offers a set of tools to monitor emails sent via Mailgun
This bundle is tested with Symfony 3 and PHP 7.1 with Swiftmailer and Mailgun Transport, (*1)
MailgunAdminBundle simply register ids of emails sent from Mailgun in DB and offers, (*2)
Just pull the vendor:br/
composer require copromatic/mailgun-admin-bundle
, (*3)
(Optional) Set up a connection for the bundle, will use "default" if not specified, (*4)
orm: default_entity_manager: default entity_managers: default: connection: default naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore auto_mapping: true mailgun_admin: connection: default naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore mappings: MailgunAdminBundle: ~ ... mailgun_admin: api_key: '%mailgun_api_key%' entity_manager: 'mailgun_admin'
Then update your database:br/
php [bin|app]/console doctrine:schema:update --force [--em=mailgun_admin]
, (*5)
Or, (*6)
php [bin|app]/console doctrine:migration:diff
and php [bin|app]/console doctrine:migration:migrate
if you roll with migrations, (*7)
A Swiftmailer listener waits for an email sent, it registers it to the DB if it bears a Message-Id (set up by Mailgun), (*8)
8 tables:
One for messages (mailgun can set their same id to multiples emails if they are sent at the same time)
7 for trackers:
bounces, clicks, deliveries, failures, opens, spam reports, (*9), (*11)
, (*12)
Yannis Touili -, (*13)
Code and documentation copyright 2012-2017. Code released under the MIT License., (*14)
A bundle that offers a set of tools to monitor emails sent via Mailgun
mailgun tools admin bundle