A Symfony bundle that let's you execute handlers on incoming GET parameters; optionally letting you redirect
the client back to an URL with certain parameters stripped., (*1)
, (*2)
Why not just create my own request listeners, and do what I want from there?
You can of course still do this, and in some specific situations you might need that level of control., (*3)
In my projects however, I've noticed that often I just need to execute some business logic and then redirect
the user back to the url without that parameter., (*4)
Furthermore, the intend of this bundle is to make it easy to have multiple services handle the same request
and apply their own logic, instead of making multiple request-listeners with all kinds of different scenarios, each
hooking into every request coming through your application! It also helps to prevent repeating code to check whether;
the request is using the GET-method, your parameter is available in the query string, etc., (*5)