The BushidoIOQRCodeBundle adds QRCode generation support in Symfony2., (*1)
Features included:, (*2)
- URL and BASE64 encoded image generation
- Twig filter and function support
- Cacheable images for less CPU usage
- Configurable cache expiration age for both http and https
- Cache and logs path can be located inside or outside Symfony2 app folder tree
- Absolute or relative URL generation
- PNG maximum image size definition (default 1024 pixels)
- Configurable find mask setup (best mask, random mask and default mask value)
Step 1: Composer
Add the following require line to the composer.json
``` json
"require": {
"bushidoio/qrcode-bundle": "dev-master"
}, (*3)
And actually install it in your project using Composer:
``` bash
php composer.phar install
You can also do this in one step with this command:
``` bash
$ php composer.phar require bushidoio/qrcode-bundle "dev-master", (*4)
### Step 2: Enable the bundle
Enable the bundle in the kernel:
``` php
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new BushidoIO\QRCodeBundle\BushidoIOQRCodeBundle(),
Step 3: Enable the route
Add this to your routing configuration in app/config/routing.yml
:, (*5)
``` yaml
resource: "@BushidoIOQRCodeBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation, (*6)
You can configure some options in `app/config/config.yml`. Those are the default
``` yaml
cacheable: true
cache_dir: ~
logs_dir: ~
find_best_mask: true
find_from_random: false
default_mask: 2
png_maximum_size: 1024
absolute_url: true
http_max_age: 600
https_max_age: 600
Usage examples
You can use Twig functions or filtes to create URL or BASE64 encoded images.
If no parameters are used the default options for the image are size 3 (87x87
pixels) and PNG format., (*7)
``` html
, (*8)
, (*9)
, (*10)
, (*11)
, (*12)
, (*13)
, (*14)
, (*15)
, (*16)
, (*17)
, (*18)
```, (*19)