9999999-devSEO Extension bundle for eZ Plateform aka eZ pblish 6
The Requires
by Buyère Boris
seo ez publish extension ez plateform seo extension ez plateform
SEO Extension bundle for eZ Plateform aka eZ pblish 6
This bundle is still under developpement !!, (*1)
, (*2)
This extension allow to manage meta description and title ..., (*3)
``` bash $ composer require bruyerefreelance/bb-seo-ezplatform-bundle, (*4)
Composer will install the bundle to your project's `vendor/BruyereFreelance` directory. ### Step 2: Enable the bundle Enable the bundle in the kernel: ``` php <?php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new BruyereFreelance\SeoExtensionBundle\BruyereFreelanceSeoExtensionBundle(), ); }
Add configuration : content type enabled for SEO ``` yaml, (*5)
bruyere_freelance_seo_extension: content_type_identifier: ['article', 'page_simple'] #add your own ..., (*6)
doctrine: dbal: connections: default: driver: %database_driver% host: %database_host% port: %database_port% user: %database_user% password: %database_password% dbname: %database_name% charset: UTF8 orm: auto_generate_proxy_classes: "%kernel.debug%" naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore auto_mapping: true, (*7)
### Step 4: Update your schema ``` bash $ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
You should be able to use BB SEO Extension ..., (*8)
You can add or edit meta-desription or title using UI ..., (*9)
To retrieve meta the only way for now is :
{{ render(controller("BruyereFreelanceSeoExtensionBundle:Front:getMetasFromContentId", {'contentId' : contentId } )) }}
, (*10)
SEO Extension bundle for eZ Plateform aka eZ pblish 6
seo ez publish extension ez plateform seo extension ez plateform