9999999-dev BcKnockoutJSBundle
The Requires
- php >=5.6.0
- symfony/symfony 3.2.*
- jms/di-extra-bundle ^1.8
by Adam Prager
javascript symfony knockoutjs knockout mvvm
Symfony BcKnockoutJSBundle
Integrates knockout.js into Symfony2, provides automatic code generation for collections., (*1)
$builder ->add('items', 'knockout', array( 'type' => new OrderItemType(), 'allow_add' => true, 'allow_delete' => true, 'prototype' => true, 'by_reference' => false, )) ;
I have added the items field with the KnockoutType, which extends the CollectionType, and handled the same way as a collection., (*2)
"brookinsconsulting/bcknockoutjsbundle": "dev-master",
$bundles = array( ... new BrookinsConsulting\BcKnockoutJSBundle\BcKnockoutJSBundle(), );
imports: ... - { resource: "@BcKnockoutJSBundle/Resources/config/config.yml" } # BcKnockoutJS Bundle Configuration jms_di_extra: locations: all_bundles: false bundles: [BcKnockoutJSBundle] directories: ["%kernel.root_dir%/../src"]
jms_di_extra configuration is unnecessary if you have set all_bundles to true which is strongly discouraged for performance reasons by the upstream dependant bundle in question., (*3)
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/bcknockoutjs/js/knockout-3.4.1.js') }}"></script>
{{ knockout(form.vars.knockout)|raw }} {{ form_widget(form) }}
This package does infact depend upon the 'jms/di-extra-bundle' bundle., (*4)
For testing purposes the original author used his now private BaseBundle, if you want to test it, you have to include it in your composer.json file too., (*5)
Symfony BcKnockoutJSBundle
javascript symfony knockoutjs knockout mvvm