This Symfony2-Bundle allows an easy Management of E-Mail-Templates with additional translations. E-Mails are listed and can be previewed in SonataAdmin., (*1)
In order to install this Bundle you will need:
* Doctrine ORM (required) -> Entity-Persistence
* SonataEasyExtends (required)
* BrauneDigitalTranslationBaseBundle (required) -> Translations
* SonataAdmin (optional) -> Backend Management, (*2)
Just run the following command to install this bundle:, (*3)
composer require braune-digital/mail-bundle
And enable the Bundle in your AppKernel.php:, (*4)
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new BrauneDigital\TranslationBaseBundle\BrauneDigitalTranslationBaseBundle(),
new BrauneDigital\MailBundle\BrauneDigitalMailBundle(),
In order to use the bundle you have to, (*5)
Extend the Bundle
Just run:, (*6)
php app/console sonata:easy-extends:generate --dest=src BrauneDigitalMailBundle
And enable the extended Bundle in your AppKernel.php as well:, (*7)
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Application\BrauneDigital\MailBundle\BrauneDigitalMailBundle()
You only need to set the user_class
option:, (*8)
user_class: Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\User # Path to you used User-Entity
base_template_path: "emails" #used for template suggestions in SonataAdmin, defaults to "emails", which would resolve to app/Resources/views/emails
#base_template_path: ["emails_password_reset", "emails_registration] #Can be an array of paths as well
#base_template_path: ~ #Do not use template suggestions (You would have to enter the path manually)
emails/confirm.html.twig:, (*9)
{% extends 'emails/layout.html.twig' %}
{% block body %}
{{ object.template.body|raw }}
---USER_NAME{{ object.object.username }}---
---CONFIRMATION_LINK{% if object.object.confirmationToken is not empty %}{{ url('fos_user_registration_password_confirm', {token: object.object.confirmationToken}) }}{% else %}{{ url('fos_user_registration_password_confirm', {token: 'na'}) }}{% endif %}---
{% endblock %}
Where ---USER_NAME{{ object.object.username }}---
would be a generated placeholder with id USER_NAME.
An txt.twig
file is addionally used to append the Content as plain text as well:, (*10)
{{ object.template.body|raw|striptags }}
---USERNAME{{ object.object.username }}---
---CONFIRMATION_LINK{% if object.object.confirmationToken is not empty %}{{ url('fos_user_registration_password_confirm', {token: object.object.confirmationToken}) }}{% else %}{{ url('fos_user_registration_password_confirm', {token: 'na'}) }}{% endif %}---, (*11)
Placeholders can then be used in the Template-Description (layout path has to be the same):
Dear ###USER_NAME###, (*12)
Thank you for registering. In order to complete your registration, you need to confirm your email address. To do so, click on the following link:, (*13)
Best regards, (*14)
##Types of Mails
There are currenty two types of Mails:
* Standard Mail
* User Mail (used for mails regarding a single or two users)
## Send Mails
In order to send mails one has to get the template by entering the layout path and creating a new mail:
$layout = 'emails/confirm.html.twig';
$mailService = $this->get('braunedigital.mail.service.mail');
$template = $mailService->getTemplate($layout);
if ($template) {
$mail = new UserMail();
//send the mail directly
//or store it for later sending
The template will now be rendered and the user is available as object
in the template.
The locale and recipient adress are being loaded from the first user (object
Or for user independent mails:, (*15)
$layout = 'emails/static_mail.html.twig';
$mailService = $this->get('braunedigital.mail.service.mail');
$template = $mailService->getTemplate($layout);
if ($template) {
$mail = new Mail();
//send the mail directly
//or store it for later sending
In order to send mails that have not been handled immediately, the command braunedigital:mails:send has to be executed!, (*16)