This bundle provides some extra functionality to the cache layer by exposing a service and a trait in order to make it easier for you to cache your queries., (*1)
At the moment this bundle works with Symfony 2.8.x PHP 5.6, PHP 7 and MySQL/MariaDB, (*2)
The preferred way to install the bundle is via composer, (*3)
composer require bigpaulie/symfony-cachebundle "dev-master" --prefer-dist
After requiring the package you should add the bundle to your bundle array in the AppKernel.php, (*4)
$bundles = array(
new bigpaulie\CacheBundle\BigpaulieCacheBundle(),
Import the services.yml in your config.yml at the top of the file, (*5)
- { resource: "@BigpaulieCacheBundle/Resources/config/services.yml"}
Add a new parameter in parameters.yml, (*6)
- { host:, port: 11211 }
Enable/disable caching for specific environments, (*7)
Place the following in your config_*.yml file, (*8)
enable: true|false
Tell doctrine to use a given cache driver, (*9)
type: service
id: doctrine.cache.driver.memcached
type: service
id: doctrine.cache.driver.memcached
type: service
id: doctrine.cache.driver.memcached
Query Caching
The bundle follows the official API as described in the documentation at Doctrine Project, (*10)
DQL Caching
// $qb instanceof QueryBuilder
->from('User', 'u')
->where(' = ?1')
->orderBy('', 'ASC')
->setParameter(1, 100);
$query = $qb->getQuery();
$result = $query->getResult();
The setQueryCaching() method supports two additional parameters: lifetime and key., (*11)
$query->setQueryCaching(true, 3600, 'my_unique_key');
Entity Caching
Symfony Framework doesn't support entity caching out of the box, here enters the Cacheable trait.
Use the Cacheable trait in the repositories you want to cache., (*12)
use bigpaulie\CacheBundle\Doctrine\Support\Cacheable;
Overridden methods:
find($id, $lifetime = null, \Closure $callable = null)
If you specify a lifetime for your cache than the result will be cached., (*13)
Additionally there is a third parameter to which you can pass an Closure which will act like a default return in case the query doesn't return any result., (*14)
findOneBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null, $lifetime = null, \Closure $callable = null)
If you specify a lifetime for your cache than the result will be cached., (*15)
Additionally you can also pass a Closure as the forth parameter which will act as a default return if the query doesn't return any results., (*16)
findAll($lifetime = null, \Closure $callable = null)
If you specify a lifetime for your cache than the result will be cached., (*17)
Additionally you can also pass a Closure as the second parameter which will act as a default return if the query doesn't return any results., (*18)
Example Usage
use bigpaulie\CacheBundle\Doctrine\Support\Cacheable;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
* SomeRepository
* This class was generated by the Doctrine ORM. Add your own custom
* repository methods below.
class SomeRepository extends EntityRepository
use Cacheable;
// No caching
// Caching for 3600 seconds
$this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('SomeBundle:SomeEntity')->find(1, 3600);
// Caching for 3600 seconds and passing a Closure
$this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('SomeBundle:SomeEntity')->find(1, 3600, function () {
return new NullObject();
Feel free to contribute to this project, together we can make it a better project., (*19)
Fork, code, submit a pull request or open a issue., (*20)