Avtonom SMS notifications bundle by Devino Telecom
Provider to send SMS notifications for Symfony2 bundle for PHP by Devino Telecom (devinotele.com). Use KPhoenSmsSenderBundle for Symfony and Carpe-Hora/SmsSender., (*1)
Page bundle: https://github.com/Avtonom/sms-devinotelecom-bundle, (*2)
- Get the session ID (receiving the token, authorization)
- Sending a single SMS message (without taking into account the recipient's time zone)
- Getting user balance
- Validation of input data through a standard functional forms.
Maybe in the future:
* Security (blocking) from overly frequent messaging., (*3)
HttpAdapters are responsible to get data from remote APIs., (*4)
Currently, there are the following adapters:, (*5)
for cURL; (recommended)
for Buzz, a
lightweight PHP 5.3 library for issuing HTTP requests; (For additional installation of this dependence)
To Install
Run the following in your project root, assuming you have composer set up for your project, (*6)
composer.phar require avtonom/sms-devinotelecom-bundle ~1.1
Switching ~1.1
for the most recent tag., (*7)
Add the bundle to app/AppKernel.php, (*8)
new KPhoen\SmsSenderBundle\KPhoenSmsSenderBundle(),
new Avtonom\Sms\DevinoTelecomBundle\AvtonomSmsDevinoTelecomBundle(),
Configuration options (config.yaml):, (*9)
``` yaml, (*10)
pool: ~ # right now, only "memory" is supported
providers: [devinotelecom]
factories: [ "%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/avtonom/sms-devinotelecom-bundle/Avtonom/Sms/DevinoTelecomBundle/Resources/config/provider_factories.xml" ], (*11)
login: %sms.provider.devinotelecom.login%
password: %sms.provider.devinotelecom.password%
originators: %sms.provider.devinotelecom.originators%
Configuration options (parameters.yaml):
``` yaml
sms.provider.devinotelecom.login: ~
sms.provider.devinotelecom.password: ~
sms.provider.devinotelecom.originators: [] # Leave an empty array if there is no strict checking the sender's name
Create a logger named "avtonom_sms.logger". Sample code (services.yml):, (*12)
``` yaml, (*13)
public: true
class: Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger
arguments: [sms], (*14)
#### Use
``` php
try {
$sendResult = $this->get('sms.sender')->send('0642424242', 'It\'s the answer.', 'Kévin');
} catch(\SmsSender\Exception\WrappedException $e){
if($e->getWrappedException() && $e->getWrappedException() instanceof \SmsSender\Exception\AdapterException){
$smsException = new \Exception($e->getWrappedException()->getMessage(), $e->getWrappedException()->getCode(), $e);
var_dump($e->getWrappedException()->getData()); // request data
throw $smsException;
It is recommended to use this bundle together with bundle of https://packagist.org/packages/avtonom/limit-number-calls-bundle.
Defender for Symfony 2, of the large count of requests. It protects against multiple processing one value. Guard, aims to protect against brute force and dictionary attacks., (*15)
Need Help?
- Create an issue if you've found a bug,