2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle resource-access

Symfony ATResourceAccessBundle



Symfony ATResourceAccessBundle

  • Friday, August 16, 2013
  • by theodorDiaconu
  • Repository
  • 3 Watchers
  • 0 Stars
  • 69 Installations
  • PHP
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  • 3 Versions
  • 0 % Grown




Step 1: Download ResourceAccessBundle using composer

Add ResourceAccessBundle in your composer.json:, (*1)

``` js { "require": { "at/resource-access": "dev-master" } }, (*2)

Now download the bundle by running the command: ``` bash ~ php composer.phar update at/resource-access

Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/at directory., (*3)

Step 2: Enable the bundle

Enable the bundle in the kernel:, (*4)

``` php <?php // app/AppKernel.php, (*5)

public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new AT\ResourceAccessBundle\ATResourceAccessBundle(), ); }, (*6)

### Step 3: Add your user class to doctrine's resolve_target_entities in config.yml: ``` yaml doctrine: orm: resolve_target_entities: AT\ResourceAccessBundle\Entity\Requester: Acme\UserBundle\Entity\User

Step 4: Make the user class implement RequesterInterface:

``` php <?php // src/Acme/UserBundle/Entity/User.php, (*7)

namespace Acme/UserBundle/Entity, (*8)

// ... use AT\ResourceAccessBundle\Model\RequesterInterface;, (*9)

class User implements RequesterInterface { // your content here }, (*10)

### Step 5: Create your resource entity that implements ResourceInterface and add the mappings to our Resource class like this: ``` php <?php // src/Acme/YourBundle/Entity/MyResource.php namespace Acme\YourBundle\Entity\ use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; use AT\ResourceAccessBundle\Entity\Resource; use AT\ResourceAccessBundle\Model\ResourceInterface; /** * @ORM\Entity() * @ORM\Table(name="my_resources") */ class MyResource implements ResourceInterface { // ... /** * @ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="AT\ResourceAccessBundle\Entity\Resource", cascade={"persist"}) */ protected $resource; // ... public function __construct() { $this->resource = new Resource(); } // ... /** * @return Resource */ public function getResource() { return $this->resource; } // ...

Step 6: Update your schema with

``` bash ~ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force, (*11)

### Step 7: Define your role hierarchy for each resource class in config.yml like this: ``` yaml at_resource_access: resources: Acme/YourBundle/Entity/MyResource: role_hierarchy: ROLE_ADMIN: [ ROLE_EDIT ] ROLE_EDIT: [ ROLE_READ ]

The first role ( in this case ROLE_ADMIN ) will be considered the master role and it will have access over any other role defined. If you would add another parent role like this :, (*12)

``` yaml Acme/YourBundle/Entity/MyResource: role_hierarchy: ROLE_ADMIN: [ ROLE_EDIT ] ROLE_EDIT: [ ROLE_READ ] ROLE_REVIEW: [ ROLE_READ_REVIEW, ROLE_EDIT_REVIEW ], (*13)

The ROLE_REVIEW will be considered a child of ROLE_ADMIN even though you didn't define it like this, so always make sure your roles are related between them to eliminate any possible confusions. ## How to use the ResourceAccessBundle You can now use the manager to manage the roles on your resource: ``` php <?php // src/Acme/YourBundle/Controller/MyResourceController.php // ... $resourceAccessManager = $this->get('resource_access_manager'); /** * Grants access to user for specified resource. * $grantedBy is optional */ $resourceAccessManager->grantAccess($user, $resource, ['array', 'of', 'accesses'], $grantedBy); /** * Returns true if user has specified access for resource, otherwise returns false * $user is optional * If $user is not provided the method will use the logged in user from security.context */ $resourceAccessManager->isGranted($access, $resource, $user); /** * Replaces whatever accesses the user has with the provided ones * $grantedBy is optional */ $resourceAccessManager->updateAccessLevels($user, $resource, ['array', 'of', 'accesses'], $grantedBy); /** * Remove specified user accesses for specified resource */ $resourceAccessManager->removeAccessLevels($user, $resource, ['array', 'of', 'accesses', 'to', 'be', 'removed']); /** * Removes all user accesses for specified resource */ $resourceAccessManager->removeAccess($user, $resource);


For the tests to run you have to add these lines in your config_test.yml, (*14)

``` yaml, (*15)

            AT\ResourceAccessBundle\Entity\Requester: AT\ResourceAccessBundle\Tests\Entity\Requester
                type: annotation
                dir: %kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/at/resource-access/AT/ResourceAccessBundle/Tests/Entity
                alias: Requester
                prefix: AT\ResourceAccessBundle\Tests\Entity
                is_bundle: false

Now run this command to run the tests: ``` bash ~ phpunit -c app vendor/at/resource-access/AT/ResourceAccessBundle/Tests

The Versions

16/08 2013



Symfony ATResourceAccessBundle

  Sources   Download

The Requires


by Theodor Diaconu
by Alexandru Miron

resource access

14/06 2013



Symfony ATResourceAccessBundle

  Sources   Download

The Requires


by Theodor Diaconu
by Alexandru Miron

resource access

10/06 2013



Symfony ATResourceAccessBundle

  Sources   Download

The Requires


by Theodor Diaconu
by Alexandru Miron

resource access