Use ExtJs with Symfony 2, (*1)
, (*2)
Packagist: https://packagist.org/packages/tpg/extjs-bundle, (*3)
The aim of this bundle is to ease the intergration between Symfony 2 and ExtJS client side framework. It support
- Dynamic runtime generation of Ext.data.Model based on entities/models implement on the server side.
- Auto integrate of Ext Remoting integration with Symfony 2 Controller.
- Code generation of Rest Controller per entities, support GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE., (*4)
- Symfony 2.3.*
- Serializer library from JMS 0.13.*
- Doctrine ORM or ODM
- Generator from Sensio 2.3.*, (*5)
- Rest Controller code generator need FOSRestBundle 0.12.*, (*6)
Using composer
``` bash
$ composer require tpg/extjs-bundle, (*7)
**Enabling bundle**
``` php
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new JMS\SerializerBundle\JMSSerializerBundle(),
new \Tpg\ExtjsBundle\TpgExtjsBundle(),
Add routing rules
``` yml, (*8)
resource: "@TpgExtjsBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /extjs, (*9)
All documentation below, we assume all ExtJs controller path is prefix with /extjs.
``` yaml
- @AcmeDemoBundle/Entity/
- @AcmeDemoBundle/Model/Auto
- AcmeDemoBundle
Testing Run
Unit Test are written with PHPUnit and Jasmine JS. How to run unit test is in .travis.yml file., (*10)
Model/Entities Code Generation
You may need to configure the additional routing rule for this feature to work. To generate Ext.data.Model code, you just
need to include script tag pointing to generateModel.js, (*11)
To generate all entities and document configured in the configuration,
``` html
, (*12)
To generate some specific entities,
``` html
<script type="text/javascript" src="/extjs/generateModel.js?model[]=Acme.DemoBundle.Entity.Person&model[]=Test.TestBundle.Model.Book"></script>
Acme.DemoBundle.Entity.Person and Test.TestBundle.Model.Book is the full namespace of the model, just replace slash ()
with dot (.)., (*13)
The entity class must annotate with Tpg\ExtjsBundle\Annotation\Model, please check out
Tpg/ExtjsBundle/Tests/Fixtures/Test/TestBundle/Model/*.php for example usage., (*14)
There is a Twig extension (extjs_model) to make it easy to include/load model onto/from the current page., (*15)
To generate and inject the ExtJS code onto the current page,
``` twig
{{ extjs_model(true, 'Acme.DemoBundle.Entity.Person', 'Test.TestBundle.Model.Book') }}, (*16)
To reference and load ExtJS code through script tag,
``` twig
{{ extjs_model(false, 'Acme.DemoBundle.Entity.Person', 'Test.TestBundle.Model.Book') }}
Remoting integration
You will need to configure remoting parameter to get ExtJs Remoting working with Controller., (*17)
To generate the glue for the remoting intergation on the page, just include
``` html
, (*18)
To enable a controller's action remotable, you need to annotate the function with Tpg\ExtjsBundle\Annotation\Direct.
If controller parameter is expecting Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request object then you need to call the remote
api with only 1 parameters. You need to wrap parameters in array.
``` php
public function testRequestParamAction(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request) {
$idResult = $request->query->get("id");
$nameResult = $request->query->get("name");
$idResult will contain 12 and $nameResult will contain "EFG"., (*19)
To call that remote api, you need to use.
``` javascript
Test.testRequestParam({"id":12, "name":"EFG"});, (*20)
Code generation of Rest Controller
The rest controller code generation is an extension of Sensio's controller generator. The generated controller will extend
FOS\RestBundle\Controller\FOSRestController class.
You will need to enable the following bundles.
``` php
new \JMS\SerializerBundle\JMSSerializerBundle(),
new \FOS\RestBundle\FOSRestBundle(),
You also need to make sure the following configuration for fos_rest.
``` yaml
serializer: tpg_extjs.serializer
default_format: json
param_fetcher_listener: true, (*21)
Generated controller set different groups on JMS serializer context during serialization and deserialization process.
- get: Serialization on individual entity during GET, POST, PUT, PATCH action.
- list: Serialization on list of entity during GET action.
- post: Deserialization on individual entity during POST action.
- put: Deserialization on individual entity during PUT action.
- patch: Deserialization on individual entity during PATCH action.
# For example,
To generate a rest controller (PeopleController) for entity Acme.DemoBundle.Entity.Person,
``` bash
php app/console generate:rest:controller --controller AcmeDemoBundle:People --entity AcmeDemoBundle:Person
Attributes in entity need to be have JMS type specify for deserializing to work., (*22)
Only controller and entity option is require, all the rest of the option can be left as default. The generator will
create/update 2 files,
- Acme\DemoBundle\Controller\PeopleControler will be generated.
- Acme\DemoBundle\Resources\config\routing.rest.yml will be updated or created, (*23)
To include this generated rest controller into the routing table, just include
``` yml, (*24)
resource: "@AcemeDemoBundle/Resources/config/routing.rest.yml"
prefix: /api
type: rest, (*25)
PHP 5.4 Trait Support
Using generate:rest:controller with --trait option the generator will generate 2 class for you,
- Trait Controller Class
- Actual Controller Class
Seperating the generated code and the your custom implementation on the controller. This will allow you to regenerate
the controller without affecting your custom implementation.
Connecting ExtJS Rest Proxy with Rest Controller in Symfony
To specify rest proxy in extjs model, you need
``` php
// in file Acme\TestBundle\Entity\Car.php
* @Extjs\Model
* @Extjs\ModelProxy("/api/cars")
* @ORM\Entity
* @ORM\Table(name="car")
class Car {