9999999-dev http://appventus.comFacebook Graph manipulation Symfony Bundle (get PageId, Picture, RssFeed ...)
The Requires
- php >=5.3.2
- symfony/framework-bundle ~2.1
facebook graph
Facebook Graph manipulation Symfony Bundle (get PageId, Picture, RssFeed ...)
Want to get the PageId, the PageFeed, the page picture or anything else ? You're in the right place, (*1)
Please add this bundle to your project with to composer :, (*2)
php composer.phar require appventus/facebook-graph-bundle:dev-master
Then declare it in your AppKernel by adding this line :, (*3)
new AppVentus\FacebookGraphBundle\AppVentusFacebookGraphBundle(),
Sometimes, you need the page id (for example to get the rss feed with the url :, (*4)
$facebookGraphParser = new AppVentus\FacebookGraphBundle\Parser\FacebookGraphParser('AppVentus'); $facebookGraphParser->parse(); $pageId = $facebookGraphParser->getParam('id');
To continue the rss example, sometimes you need to get the RSS Feed :, (*5)
$rssReader = new FacebookPageRssReader($festival->getFacebookPageId()); $festival->feed = $rssReader->getFeed();
Then you'll have a FacebookFeed Object containing the title, link, description and all the items (FacebookFeedItem composed by a title, a description, a link, a publication date and a author). So in your custom twig view, you could display them like this :, (*6)
<h2> <a href="{{ }}"> <img src="{{ facebookPictureUrl #See next example # }}"> </a> {{ feed.title }}</small> </h2> <ul class="facebook-feed-items"> {% for item in feed.items %} <li class="row"> <em>{{ item.publishedAt|date('d/m/Y') }}</em> <p> {{ item.description|raw }} </p> <a href="{{ }}">Voir le post direct sur Facebook</a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul>
Sometimes, you need the page picture :, (*7)
$facebookGraphParser = new AppVentus\FacebookGraphBundle\Parser\FacebookGraphParser('AppVentus'); $facebookPictureUrl = $facebookGraphParser->getFacebookPicture(35, 35);
Feel free to fork and add your own needs, it's more fun together ;), (*8)
Facebook Graph manipulation Symfony Bundle (get PageId, Picture, RssFeed ...)
facebook graph