, (*1)
, (*2)
, (*3)
, (*4)
, (*5)
Email Verification Library for Symfony
Kickbox determines if an email address is not only valid, but associated with a actual user. Uses include:, (*6)
- Preventing users from creating accounts on your applications using fake, misspelled, or throw-away email addresses.
- Reducing bounces by removing old, invalid, and low quality email addresses from your mailing lists.
- Saving money and projecting your reputation by only sending to real email users.
Getting Started
To begin, hop over to kickbox.io and create a free account. Once you've signed up and logged in, click on API Settings and then click Add API Key. Take note of the generated API Key - you'll need it to setup the client as explained below., (*7)
Make sure you have composer installed., (*8)
Add the following to your composer.json, (*9)
$ php composer.phar require andi/kickbox-bundle
This package follows the PSR-4
convention names for its classes, which means you can easily integrate these classes loading in your own autoloader., (*10)
Register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php, (*11)
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Andi\KickBoxBundle\AndiKickBoxBundle(),
In your config.yml, you must configure:, (*12)
# Default configuration for extension with alias: "andi_kick_box"
# API key list.
api_keys: # Required
# The api key generated in kickbox.io.
key: YOU_API_KEY # Required
# The default API name. If not set, the default value will be the first api name.
default_api_name: tata
# The endpoint of the kickbox API.
endpoint: 'https://api.kickbox.io/v2/verify'
Add the following code to our controller:, (*13)
public function indexAction($email)
$kickboxClient = $this->get('kickbox_client');
$response = $kickboxClient->verify($email);
We can also get a service name with a specific key defined in config.yml, (*14)
Example:, (*15)
$kickboxClient = $this->get('kickbox_client'); // The default client. In our example : tata
$kickboxClient = $this->get('kickbox_client.tata');
$kickboxClient = $this->get('kickbox_client.toto');
To simply verify an email :, (*16)
$response = $kickboxClient->verify($email);
With a timeout :, (*17)
// Maximum time, in milliseconds, for the API to complete a verification request. Default value : 6000
$response = $kickboxClient->verify($email, 6000);
An exception can be thrown by the api client if the HTTP status code is not 200 : Andi\KickBoxBundle\Exception\KickBoxApiException, (*18)
A successful API call responds with the following object:, (*19)
$response->getBalance(); // The remaining credit balance (Daily + On Demand).
$response->getDomain(); // The domain of the provided email address.
$response->getEmail(); // Returns a normalized version of the provided email address.
$response->getReason(); // The reason for the result.
$response->getResponseTime(); // The elapsed time (in milliseconds) it took Kickbox to process the request.
$response->getResult(); // The verification result: deliverable, undeliverable, risky, unknown
$response->getSuggestion(); // Returns a suggested email if a possible spelling error was detected.
$response->getSendex(); // A quality score of the provided email address ranging between 0 (no quality) and 1 (perfect quality).
$response->getUser(); // The user (a.k.a local part) of the provided email address. (bob@example.com -> bob).
$response->isAcceptAll(); // If the email was accepted, but the domain appears to accept all emails addressed to that domain.
$response->isDisposable(); // If the email address uses a disposable domain like trashmail.com or mailinator.com.
$response->isFree(); // If the email address uses a free email service like gmail.com or yahoo.com.
$response->isRole(); // If the email address is a role address
$response->isSuccess(); // If the API request was successful.
All the Kickbox API is explained here : Using api API, (*20)