9999999-dev http://alphalemon.comAdds the SDK required by social networks at the end of the web page, only when the SDK is required
by alphalemon
social facebook twitter alphalemon
Adds the SDK required by social networks at the end of the web page, only when the SDK is required
This bundle adds the SDK required by social networks at the end of the web page, only when the SDK is required., (*1)
This means that the facebook sdk is added to the page, only when a fecebook button is added to the page., (*2)
At the moment the SocialSDK Bundle supports those social networks:, (*3)
You can add the SocialSDK Bundle to your application adding it to your composer.json file:, (*4)
.. code-block:: text, (*5)
{ "require": { "alphalemon/social-sdk-bundle": "dev-master", } }
If you use the AlphaLemonBootstrapBundle the bundle is autoloaded, otherwise add it to the application AppKernel.php file:, (*6)
.. code-block:: php, (*7)
class AppKernel extends Kernel { public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( [...] new AlphaLemon\Block\SearchBlockBundle\SearchBlockBundle(), ); } }
A new SDK is easily added, add a new provider that extends the AlphaLemon\Block\SocialSDKBundle\Core\Sdk\SdkBase. This abstract base class provides a common constructor and implements the AlphaLemon\Block\SocialSDKBundle\Core\Sdk\SdkInterface, without implementing its method as well, which must be defined in the derived class., (*8)
The bunde is not yet unit tested, so use it just with test or implementation pourpose., (*9)
Adds the SDK required by social networks at the end of the web page, only when the SDK is required
social facebook twitter alphalemon