The AlexkomaralexFileSearchBundle allows serch files by content in Symfony2.
It provides a flexible interface to handle different search adapters., (*1)
Features include:, (*2)
- Console command
- Symfony finder adapter
- PHP Directory Iterator adapter
- Unit/Functional tested
- Install bundle via composer
composer require alexkomaralex/file-search-bundle dev-master, (*3)
- Enable the bundle in AppKernel.php:
new Alexkomaralex\FileSearchBundle\AlexkomaralexFileSearchBundle(), (*4)
Use original services.yml as example., (*5)
Define any new search adapter as service and inject it into search command service
Or use one of two predefined adapters., (*6)
php app/console fsearch:find [--path=PATH] <query>, (*7)
- path - where to find
- query - what to find
Example: php app/console fsearch:find --path=app/config database, (*8)