Akeneo PIM Icecat Demo Bundle
This bundle is deprecated and can't be used with recent versions of Akeneo PIM, (*1)
This bundle contains real world data coming from the Icecat databases., (*2)
To install the demo data, use the following commands :, (*3)
WARNING: the contents of your database will be replaced, (*4)
Installing the bundle
From your application root:, (*5)
$ php composer.phar require --prefer-dist "akeneo/icecat-demo-bundle=dev-master"
Register the bundle by adding the following line inside the app/AppKernel.php
file, just before the "return $bundles;" line:, (*6)
$bundles[] = new Pim\Bundle\IcecatDemoBundle\PimIcecatDemoBundle();
Define the data used by the installer in the parameters.yml file:, (*7)
installer_data: 'PimIcecatDemoBundle:icecat_demo'
Loading the data
./install.sh db
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --append --fixtures=vendor/akeneo/icecat-demo-bundle/Pim/Bundle/IcecatDemoBundle/DataFixtures/
php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
php app/console pim:icecat-demo:import --env=prod
php app/console pim:completeness:calculate --env=prod
php app/console pim:versioning:refresh --env=prod
Icecat data
For more information about Icecat, please see http://icecat.biz/, (*8)