9999999-dev used to manage User password history and user change password policy
The Requires
by Nicolas Potier
user symfony password owasp
Bundle used to manage User password history and user change password policy
This Bundle allows to manage user password history. It has been developped and tested to work with the famous FOSUserBundle Bundle., (*1)
What this bundle does : - Store the User's password whenever this password is changed in the table password_history. - Redirect the User to the route fos_user_change_password eveytime the User's password is older than 30 days. - Optionaly, provide a constraints that forbids the User to set a password if this password has already been used., (*2)
1) Add the bundle to you composer.json file :, (*3)
composer require 'acseo/change-password-bundle:dev-master'
2) Enable the Bundle, (*4)
// app/AppKernel.php class AppKernel extends Kernel { public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( //... new ACSEO\ChangePasswordBundle\ACSEOChangePasswordBundle(), //...
3) Map your User Class The bundle use an Entity, PasswordHistory, which store previous hashed passwords used by an user. In order to be generic, this entity has a ManyToOne relation with a User entity. This user Entity must extends the FOS\UserBundle\Model\User abstract class., (*5)
Edit your config file :, (*6)
# app/config/config.yml doctrine: orm: resolve_target_entities: "FOS\UserBundle\Model\User": "YourBundle\Entity\YourUser"
4) Update your database to create the new password_history table, (*7)
$ app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql $ app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
From now Password History is set up. The table password_history will store the changed user password whenever this password is changed, (*8)
5) Enable Password history constraint, (*9)
# src/YourBundle/Resources/config/validation.yml YourBundle\Entity\YourUser: properties: # ... plainPassword: - ACSEO\ChangePasswordBundle\Validator\Constraints\NotInPreviousPasswords: ~
And that's it !, (*10)
Feel free to comment or improve this bundle by creating issues or submitting pull requests, (*11)
Bundle used to manage User password history and user change password policy
user symfony password owasp