This is a symfony's sensio generate bundle's extended bundle., (*1)
You can generate three things using this generator bundle, it works like sensio generator bundle via command line., (*2)
- To create consumer run this command:
php app/console generate:consumer --no-interaction --bundleName=[bundleName] --consumerName=[consumerName]
, (*3)
Example:, (*4)
consumer --no-interaction --bundleName=QuoteWriteBundle --consumerName=Quote
, (*5)
- To create controller run this command:
php app/console generate:RESTcontroller --no-interaction --controller=bundleName:controllerName --type=type --action=getall --fields="fields"
, (*6)
Example:, (*7)
php app/console generate:RESTcontroller --no-interaction --controller=QuoteWriteBundle:Quote --type=write --action=putevent --fields="guid:string tenderGuid:string author:string price:float ", (*8)
- To create document run this command:
php app/console generate:doctrine:document --no-interaction --document=bundleName:documentName --fields="fields" --format=yml
, (*9)
Example:, (*10)
php app/console generate:doctrine:document --no-interaction --document=QuoteWriteBundle:Quote --fields="guid:string tenderGuid:string author:string price:float " --format=yml
, (*11)