2017 © Pedro PelĂĄez

symfony-bundle mailer-bundle

The 2LE's mailbundle.



The 2LE's mailbundle.

  • Thursday, June 14, 2018
  • by sebheitzmann
  • Repository
  • 6 Watchers
  • 0 Stars
  • 1 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 0 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 1 Versions
  • 0 % Grown




  • PHP >= 7.1
  • Symfony 4


$ composer require 2lenet/mailer-bundle


    function index(MailerManager $mailerManager) {

        $destinataires = [
            '2le@2le.net' => ["nom" =>"SĂ©bastien"],
            'jules@2le.net' => ["nom" =>"Jules"]

        $mail = $mailerManager->create('TEST', $destinataires); // create mail for all destinataires
        $mailerManager->send($mail);  // send the mail

If you want to display the emails / display,edit and show the templates / display the receivers you need the bundle esayadminplus and the different configuration files : https://packagist.org/packages/2lenet/easyadmin-plus-bundle, (*1)

menu.yaml, (*2)

                label: menu.accueil
                route: home
                icon: home
                label: menu.echeance
                entity: Controle
                icon: bell-o
                label: menu.ressource
                url: '/service.core/ressources?menuIndex=2&submenuIndex=0'
                icon: clone
                label: menu.obligation
                entity: Obligation
                icon: bell
                label: menu.suivi
                icon: wrench
                    - { entity: Rapport, label: menu.rapport, icon: file-text }
                    - { entity: Ticket, label: ticket.liste.nom, icon: ticket }
                    - { label: menu.import_rapport, url: 'http://rapport.nathyslog.com', icon: sign-in }
                label: menu.parametrage
                icon: gear
                    - { entity: Service, label: menu.service, icon: sitemap }
                    - { entity: Gabarit, label: menu.categorie_ressource }
                    - { entity: Responsableobligation, label: menu.responsableobligation, icon: users }
                    - { entity: Rubrique, label: menu.rubrique, icon: cubes }
                    - { entity: Attributserviceclient, label: menu.attribut_service, icon: crosshairs }
                    - { entity: TypeTicket, label: typeTicket.liste.nom, icon: list }
                    - { entity: Priorite, label: priorite.liste.nom, icon: sort }
                label: menu.admin_generale
                icon: cogs
                    - { entity: Client, label: menu.client, default: true }
                    - { entity: Categorie, label: menu.categorie }
                    - { entity: Typegabarit, label: menu.type_categorie_ressource }
                    - { entity: Typerapport, label: menu.type_rapport }
                    - { entity: Typeresponsabilite, label: menu.typeresponsabilite }
                    - { entity: Theme, label: menu.theme }
                    - { entity: Typecontrole, label: menu.typecontrole }
                    - { entity: Template, label: menu.template }
                    - { entity: Mail, label: menu.mail }

Mail.yaml ``` yaml easy_admin: entities: Mail: class: Lle\MailerBundle\Entity\Mail disabled_actions: [delete, new, edit] list: title: title.mail.list actions: - { name: new, icon: add } - { name: show, icon: search } - { name: edit, icon: edit } - { name: delete, icon: trash } fields: #- { property: id, label: field.id } - { property: sujet, label: field.sujet } - { property: expediteur, label: field.expediteur, type: email } - { property: template, label: field.template } - { property: dateEnvoi, label: field.dateEnvoi } - { property: dateEnvoiFini, label: field.dateEnvoiFini } - { property: datePrevu, label: field.datePrevu } - { property: envoye, label: field.envoye, type: boolean } sort: - dateEnvoi - DESC show: title: title.mail.show actions: - { name: edit, icon: edit } - { name: delete, icon: trash } fields: #- { property: id, label: field.id } - { property: sujet, label: field.sujet } - { property: data, label: field.data } - { property: template, label: field.template } - { property: dateEnvoi, label: field.dateEnvoi } - { property: dateEnvoiFini, label: field.dateEnvoiFini } - { property: datePrevu, label: field.datePrevu } - { property: envoye, label: field.envoye, type: boolean } - { property: expediteur, label: field.expediteur, type: email } - { property: replyTo, label: field.replyTo, type: email } - { property: returnPath, label: field.returnPath, type: email } - { property: alias, label: field.alias } - { property: sender, label: field.sender } - { property: infoSender, label: field.infoSender } - { type: 'sublist', id: 'destinataires', label: 'tab.destinataires', entity: 'Destinataire', property: 'Destinataires'}, (*3)

Template.yaml ``` yaml easy_admin: entities: Template: class: Lle\MailerBundle\Entity\Template disabled_actions: [] list: title: title.template.list actions: - { name: new, icon: add } - { name: show, icon: search } - { name: edit, icon: edit } - { name: delete, icon: trash } fields: #- { property: id, label: field.id } - { property: sujet, label: field.sujet } - { property: code, label: field.code } - { property: expediteurMail, label: field.expediteurMail, type: email } - { property: expediteurName, label: field.expediteurName } sort: - id - DESC show: title: title.template.show actions: - { name: edit, icon: edit } - { name: delete, icon: trash } fields: #- { property: id, label: field.id } - { property: html, label: field.html, type: raw } - { property: text, label: field.text, type: raw } - { property: sujet, label: field.sujet } - { property: code, label: field.code } - { property: expediteurMail, label: field.expediteurMail, type: email } - { property: expediteurName, label: field.expediteurName } edit: title: title.template.edit actions: [] fields: - { property: sujet, label: field.sujet } - { property: expediteurMail, label: field.expediteurMail, help: 'The e-mail address must include an @ followed by a domain name (ex: john@free.fr).' } - { property: expediteurName, label: field.expediteurName } - { property: code, label: field.code } - { property: text, label: field.text } - { property: html, label: field.html } new: title: title.template.new actions: [] fields: - { property: sujet, label: field.sujet } - { property: expediteurMail, label: field.expediteurMail, help: 'The e-mail address must include an @ followed by a domain name (ex: john@free.fr).' } - { property: expediteurName, label: field.expediteurName } - { property: code, label: field.code } - { property: text, label: field.text } - { property: html, label: field.html }

Destinataire.yaml, (*4)

            class: Lle\MailerBundle\Entity\Destinataire
            disabled_actions: []
                title: title.destinataire.list
                    - { name: new, icon: add }
                    - { name: show, icon: search }
                    - { name: edit, icon: edit }
                    - { name: delete, icon: trash }
                    - { property: email, label: field.email }
                    - { property: data, label: field.data, type: json }
                    - { property: dateEnvoi, label: field.dateEnvoi }
                    - { property: dateOuvert, label: field.dateOuvert }
                    - id
                    - DESC
                title: title.destinataire.show
                    - { name: edit, icon: edit }
                    - { name: delete, icon: trash }
                    - { property: id, label: field.id }
                    - { property: email, label: field.email }
                    - { property: data, label: field.data, type: collection }
                    - { property: dateEnvoi, label: field.dateEnvoi }
                    - { property: dateOuvert, label: field.dateOuvert }
                    - { property: url, label: field.url, type: raw }
                    - { property: mail, label: field.mail }


You can use your entity:, (*5)

  template_class: "App\\Entity\\MailTemplate"
  mail_class: "App\\Entity\\Mail"
  destinataire_class: "App\\Entity\\MailDestinataire"

Warning: Use 3 entities or 0., (*6)

class MailTemplate implements TemplateInterface
    use TemplateEntityTrait;


class Mail implements MailInterface
    use MailEntityTrait;

     * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="MailTemplate", cascade={"persist"})
     * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="template_id", referencedColumnName="id", onDelete="CASCADE", nullable=true)
    protected $template;

     * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="MailDestinataire",mappedBy="mail", cascade={"persist"})
    protected $destinataires;

class MailDestinataire implements DestinataireInterface
    use DestinataireEntityTrait;

     * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Mail",cascade={"persist"},inversedBy="destinataires")
     * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="mail_id", referencedColumnName="id", onDelete="CASCADE")
    protected $mail;



In order to send attachments with your email, you can use streamAttachment or attach a stored file., (*7)

Stored file


For example, you can use it like that:, (*8)

$mail->addAttachment($this->kernel->getProjectDir() . '/' . $pdf->getPath());

Dynamically created file

Another way, to send a file with an email, is to use "streamAttachment"., (*9)

 $mail->addStreamAttachments(String $data, String $filename, String $contentType);

$data is the content of the file that you want to send.
$filename is the name of the file you want to send.
$contentType is type of the file you want to send., (*10)

Remove all streamAttachment

In order to remove all attached dynamically created file you can use this method:, (*11)


Get all streamAttachment

To get all file (not stored, created dynamically) you can use this method:, (*12)


The Versions

14/06 2018


9999999-dev http://www.2le.net

The 2LE's mailbundle.

  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=7.1


The Development Requires

mail lle