9999999-dev Collmex API for Symfony2 applications
The Requires
api soa sf2 accounting collmex
Service-oriented Collmex API for Symfony2 applications
The 20steps Collmex Bundle provides a Service-oriented API for Symfony2 applications that need to interact with the Collmex accounting service., (*1)
For further information about Collmex goto, (*2)
Require the bundle by adding the following entry to the respective section of your composer.json:, (*3)
"20steps/collmex-bundle": "dev-master"
Get the bundle via packagist from GitHub by calling:, (*4)
php composer.phar update 20steps/collmex-bundle
Register the bundle in your application by adding the following line to the registerBundles() method of your AppKernel.php:, (*5)
new twentysteps\Bundle\CollmexBundle\twentystepsCollmexBundle()
Register services provided by the bundle by adding the following line to the imports section of your config.yml:, (*6)
- { resource: "@twentystepsCollmexBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" }
Define the following properties in your parameters.yml:
* twentysteps_collmex.url - URL of the Collmex API - normally should point to "".
* twentysteps_collmex.account_id - ID of your account at Collmex. You will need a "Pro" account at collmex use this API.
* twentysteps_collmex.login - The login to use for accessing Collmex. You should create a service account to not interfere with the sessions of your accountants.
* twentysteps_collmex.password - Password of the account., (*7)
This version is not yet complete or usable., (*8)
Helmut Hoffer von Ankershoffen (, (*9)
Service-oriented Collmex API for Symfony2 applications
api soa sf2 accounting collmex