The Requires
by Mamoru Otsuka
If you use git submodule or download zip, you must install vendors, (*1)
$ cd fuel/packages/ratchet $ php composer.phar install
In app/config/config.php, (*2)
'always_load' => array('packages' => array( 'ratchet', ...
Copy packages/ratchet/config/ratchet.php to under app/config directory and edit, (*3)
<?php return array( 'classes' => array( 'default' => array( 'domain' => '', 'port' => '8001', 'zmq_port' => '5555', ), 'Ratchet_Ws' => array( 'domain' => '', 'port' => '8001', ), 'Ratchet_Wamp' => array( 'domain' => '', 'port' => '8002', 'zmq_port' => '5555', ), ), );
$ php oil r ratchet:help
# Install with easy_install command $ sudo easy_install supervisor # Generate configure file $ echo_supervisord_conf > fuel/packages/ratchet/supervisor.conf
Add the following
My_Ratchet_Ws is fuel/app/classes/my/ratchet/ws.php that extends Ratchet_Ws, (*4)
[program:ratchet] environment = FUEL_ENV=production command = php oil r ratchet:ws My_Ratchet_Ws numprocs = 1 autostart = true autorestart = true user = root stdout_logfile = fuel/app/logs/supervisor/info.log stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 1MB stderr_logfile = fuel/app/logs/supervisor/error.log stderr_logfile_maxbytes = 1MB
# In FuelPHP project root # Up $ sudo supervisord -c fuel/packages/ratchet/supervisor.conf # Check Status $ sudo supervisorctl -c fuel/packages/ratchet/supervisor.conf status # Stop $ sudo supervisorctl -c fuel/packages/ratchet/supervisor.conf stop all # Start $ sudo supervisorctl -c fuel/packages/ratchet/supervisor.conf start all # Restart $ sudo supervisorctl -c fuel/packages/ratchet/supervisor.conf restart all
# make up up: @echo 'Please manually run the following command:' @echo 'sudo supervisord -c fuel/packages/ratchet/supervisor.conf' # make down down: sudo supervisorctl -c fuel/packages/ratchet/supervisor.conf stop all && sudo rm /tmp/supervisor.sock # make start-all start-all: sudo supervisorctl -c fuel/packages/ratchet/supervisor.conf start all # make stop-all stop-all: sudo supervisorctl -c fuel/packages/ratchet/supervisor.conf stop all # make restart-all restart-all: sudo supervisorctl -c fuel/packages/ratchet/supervisor.conf restart all # make status status: sudo supervisorctl -c fuel/packages/ratchet/supervisor.conf status # make help help: @echo 'Commands:' @echo ' make up' @echo ' make down' @echo ' make start-all' @echo ' make stop-all' @echo ' make restart-all' @echo ' make status'
Copyright 2013, Mamoru Otsuka. Licensed under the MIT license:, (*5)