FuelPHP QRCode
QRCode library created as a FuelPHP package., (*1)
Load the QRCode package, (*2)
// load the package
Output the QR directly, used within a view (ugly), (*3)
echo \QRCode::png('http://arrggghhh.steadweb.co.uk');
or pass the generated QRCode to a view, (*4)
$file = time() . ".png";
$qrcode = "";
// generate the QRCode
\QRCode::png('http://arrggghhh.steadweb.co.uk', $file, QR_ECLEVEL_L, 6, 4, false);
// check the file has been generated
// otherwise throw an exception
if( ! is_file(DOCROOT . $file))
throw new Exception("Unable to generate QR code");
$qrcode = Asset::img(Uri::create("/" . $file))
catch(\Exception $e)
// log the error
// show something, atleast
$qrcode = "QRCode wasn't generated, derp.";
return \View::forge("qrcode", array("qr" => $qrcode), false);