The Requires
- php ^7.1
The Development Requires
- symfony/yaml ^3.1
- symfony/property-access ^3.1
- illuminate/support ^5.3
- illuminate/container ^5.3
- zingle-com/laravel-modules dev-master
The Zingle API Resource Mapper provides helpers for structuring and serializing models and collections returned by 3rd-party APIs, (*1)
Add zingle/api-resource-mapper
to composer.json
. Add ApiResourceMapperProvider
to config/app.php
, (*2)
For any module requiring resource mapping, add a mapper registration to its service provider:, (*3)
private function registerMapper() { $this->app->bind('zingle.foo_module.meta_loader', function (Container $app) { /** @var Module $module */ $module = $app->make('laravel_modules.repository')->find('FooModule'); return new Loader($module->getExtraPath('Resources/config/mapping')); }); $this->app->bind('zingle.foo_module.model_meta_factory', function (Container $app) { return new ModelMetaFactory($app->make('zingle.foo_module.meta_loader')); }); return $this; }
In the constructor of the AbstractResource for the Module, generate a mapper using the factory:, (*4)
$this->mapper = $mapperFactory->getMapper(app('zingle.foo_module.model_meta_factory'));