Laravel Modules
, (*1)
Simple helpers for adding modular architecture to your Laravel project., (*2)
Modular architecture makes your application easier to understand and
scale. This package attempts to add support for modules with minimal
effort and greatest amount of flexibility. A Module
in this package
corresponds with a module grouping of code in your project., (*3)
Install the base package with composer., (*4)
~~~ bash
$ composer install zingle-com/laravel-modules, (*5)
Add service provider to your providers after the Illuminate providers,
but before your project service providers.
~~~ php
// config.php
// ...
'providers' => [
// ...
* Vendors
// ...
// ...
* Project providers
Finally install the vendor assets:, (*6)
~~~ bash
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ZingleCom\LaravelModules\ModuleServiceProvider::class", (*7)
# Usage
After defining your modular structure, to create a new module simply
create add a new class that extends `Module` to your base module
directory that corresponds with the name of the module. For example,
if you had a module named `Auth` the base directory for which is
`app/Modules/Auth` you would create the following class:
~~~ php
namespace App\Modules\Auth;
use ZingleCom\LaravelModules\Module\Module;
class AuthModule extends Module
Then add the new module class to config/modules.php
under the modules key like:, (*8)
~~~ php
// modules.php
// ..
"modules" => [
~~~, (*9)