2017 © Pedro Peláez

laravel-package appbajarticket

A simple helpdesk tickets system for Laravel 5.1 which integrates smoothly with Laravel default users and auth system



A simple helpdesk tickets system for Laravel 5.1 which integrates smoothly with Laravel default users and auth system

  • Monday, December 7, 2015
  • by mhshohel
  • Repository
  • 2 Watchers
  • 3 Stars
  • 54 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 0 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 1 Versions
  • 0 % Grown


Note: The This is our customized version for a project, may not working to your project, you can find original url at, (*1)

#### Switch to orignal repository , (*2)

Ticketit v0.2.0

A simple helpdesk tickets system for Laravel 5.1 which integrates smoothly with Laravel default users and auth system. It will integrate into your current Laravel project within minutes, and you can offer your customers and your team a nice and simple support ticket system., (*3)


  1. Three main users roles users, agents, and admins
  2. Users can create tickets, keep track of their tickets status, giving comments, and close their own tickets (access permissions are configurable)
  3. Auto assigning agents to tickets, the system searches for agents in specific department and auto select the agent with lowest queue
  4. Simple admin panel
  5. Localization (English and Hungarian language packs are included)
  6. Very simple installation and integration process
  7. Admin dashboard with statistics and performance tracking graphs

Full features list (12+) and screen shots, (*4)


First Make sure you have got this Laravel setup working:, (*5)

  1. Laravel 5.1
  2. Users table
  3. Laravel email configuration
  4. Bootstrap 3+
  5. Jquery

Dependents that are getting installed and configured automatically by Ticketit (no action required from you), (*6)

  1. LaravelCollective HTML
  2. Laravel Datatables

Installation (4-8 minutes):

Step 1. Run this code via your terminal (1-2 minutes), (*7)

    composer require mhshohel/appbajarticket:dev-master

Step 2. After install, you have to add this line on your config/app.php in Service Providers section (1-2 minutes)., (*8)


Step 3. Setting up your master view for Ticketit integration (1-2 minutes), (*9)

Step 4. Go ahead to http://your-project-url/tickets-install to finalize the installation (1-2 minutes), (*10)

Default ticketit front route: http://your-project-url/tickets, (*11)

Default ticketit admin route: http://your-project-url/tickets-admin, (*12)


Ticketit Wiki, (*13)


Review features requests, give your feedback, suggest features, report issues, (*14)

Live Demo

http://ticketit.kordy.info, (*15)


Big thank you for all active people who took from their time to give their feedback and suggestions, they helped a lot to improve Ticketit for all of us., (*16)

Project contributors (the project heros): * Brian Royer * Lee Nielsen * balping, (*17)

The Versions

07/12 2015



A simple helpdesk tickets system for Laravel 5.1 which integrates smoothly with Laravel default users and auth system

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Mh Shohel

laravel support ticket helpdesk