2017 © Pedro Peláez

laravel-package finetune

The Finetune CMS. Built on the laravel framework



The Finetune CMS. Built on the laravel framework

  • Wednesday, April 25, 2018
  • by Finetune
  • Repository
  • 2 Watchers
  • 1 Stars
  • 306 Installations
  • JavaScript
  • 0 Dependents
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  • 0 Open issues
  • 8 Versions
  • 0 % Grown


, (*1)

Finetune Content Management System

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Latest Unstable Version License Monthly Downloads Daily Downloads, (*2)

Laravel Installation, (*3)

This is a laravel plugin for laravel 5.4 or greater, to install laravel follow this guide https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/installation., (*4)

To quickly install laravel, use this command, (*5)

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel ., (*6)

This creates a default laravel installation in the folder your in, it presumes you have composer, if you don't follow the laravel installation guide linked above., (*7)

Install Finetune, (*8)

Install Finetune via composer is the easiest way :, (*9)

composer require finetune/finetune:dev-master, (*10)

There are different releases to choose from check the github page for more information on releases., (*11)

Once installed you need to add the finetune service provider and the route service provider, the route service provider always needs to below the finetune service provider and any finetune plugins, but above the laravel AppServiceProvider. This allows the finetune routes to take precedence over the laravel routes file., (*12)

Finetune\Finetune\FinetuneServiceProvider::class, Finetune\Finetune\FinetuneRoutesServiceProvider::class,, (*13)

Once these are installed you need to run some artisan commands, this will publish all the config, views and migrations you need to use finetune., (*14)

php artisan vendor:publish --force, (*15)

You need to overwrite the files already present so we use the force tag to insure this, if you have made any config apart from the config/app.php then you will need to add it again., (*16)

Installing the database, (*17)

As this uses laravel any database that laravel supports finetune supports to, you configure your database in the same way as laravel, you can follow the laravel install guide (https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/database) or follow these steps (in this example we are using mysql with the username and database name of finetune), (*18)

1) Login to mysql via a command line : mysql -u finetune -p, (*19)

2) Create database : CREATE DATABASE finetune;, (*20)

3) Exit from mysql terminal : exit;, (*21)

Then configure your environment settings in the .env file, this is found in your root project area where you install laravel., (*22)

There will be settings that look like this, (*23)

DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=homestead DB_USERNAME=homestead DB_PASSWORD=secret, (*24)

You need to configure these settings for your database settings, for the user and database above it would be:, (*25)

DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=finetune DB_USERNAME=finetune DB_PASSWORD=secret, (*26)

Once thats complete it's time to make a session table using laravels migration and then run the migrations, (*27)

php artisan session:table php artisan migrate, (*28)

This will then add all the tables to the database you need, now its time to run the install script., (*29)

Install script, (*30)

The final stage, this is where we add our superadmin user and the first sites domain, we will be using http:://www.finetunecms.co.uk for this example, you should just replace the information with your own., (*31)

In the Command line interface type, (*32)

php artisan finetune:install, (*33)

This will start the install script, will seed the database with some default content to help you on your way to create your first website., (*34)

It will ask a few questions the first bit is about your superadmin user, the following is the questions it asks and the data we used to create superadmin, (*35)

Username, (*36)

Superadmin, (*37)

Firstname, (*38)

Super, (*39)

Lastname, (*40)

admin, (*41)

Email, (*42)

Superadmin@admin.com, (*43)

Password, (*44)

secret, (*45)

This will now add your superadmin to the database to allow you to login with finetune., (*46)

The next part of the setup script will create your first site, (*47)

Title of the new site, (*48)

FientuneCMS, (*49)

The dscpn of the new site, (*50)

FinetuneCMS allows you to install a user friendly cms on top of laravel, (*51)

The tag of the new site, (*52)

finetune, (*53)

Company Name, (*54)

finetune, (*55)

Company Person, (*56)

Christopher Thompson, (*57)

Company Email, (*58)

chris@finetunecms.co.uk, (*59)

Company Street, (*60)

123 Somewhere road, (*61)

Company Town, (*62)

Finetune Town, (*63)

Company Postcode, (*64)

12345, (*65)

Company Tel, (*66)

000000, (*67)

Company Region, (*68)

United Kingdom, (*69)

This information is required at this time but can be changed later, it doesn't have much validation on it so you can input any string., (*70)

Once this is complete it will make the uploads folder with the site tag in your storage area of the laravel application, this will store all your images and files that need to be used., (*71)

We now need to add permissions for laravel's bootstrap and the storage directory, I would recommend these on *nix OS's, (*72)

sudo chgrp -R www-data storage bootstrap/cache, (*73)

sudo chmod -R ug+rwx storage bootstrap/cache, (*74)

Web server, (*75)

Now you have completed the finetune install you need to setup a webserver, you will need to configure your webserver with certain cetains to get pretty urls, follow the laravel guide here https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/installation#web-server-configuration, (*76)

The Versions