Deploy key generator
This CLI application simplifies the process of generating deploy keys
for git repositories., (*1)
Git allows users to authenticate using SSH public keys. While this is
superior to password authentication, most users typically only use a
single SSH key in their environment., (*2)
The ideal situation is to use a unique key for each repository and
deployment, with entirely different keys being used to log into machines., (*3)
How it works
This application generates an ECDSA key suitable for SSH. After creation,
the key must be granted access on the remote git server. Github has a
repository settings for this - users of Github will be directed to this
page., (*4)
Keys are saved in the folder ~/.ssh/gitdeploy
. Each repository gets
it's own entry in ~/.ssh/config
, specifying a name for the host, the
user/domain/port, and the key file., (*5)
Keys are encrypted using the default SSH procedure (salted password, key
derived through single pass of md5). PKCS#8 encoding is on the wishlist,
as it enables stretching of encryption key material., (*6)
The tool supports unencrypted keys by setting the --no-password option., (*7)
This tool is available through composer. The following command will save
the application to the global composer directory (~/.composer), (*8)
composer global require afk11/git-deploy-key
Update your $PATH to include ~/.composer/vendor/bin:, (*9)
echo "export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc # this is done automatically when you log in
At this point you can use the tool anywhere:, (*10)
git-deploy-key help
You can also checkout this repository and access the executable in bin/
directory after running composer install
, (*11)
Create a password protected SSH key:
Creating the key:, (*12)
user@dev:~$ git-deploy-key create
Confirm details:
[output trimmed]
Is this ok [y/n]: y
Password again:
You're using Github! You can paste the key in here:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBFz53QOkzt6ZPP1hnHY5iDqcGgLho2eZQe0h0SsAWwiwiGwT3bv6HRkKIeFeonWEH/j/QOpZee+5UyVBcMbM0Es= user@dev
Saved key to disk
Cloning the project:, (*13)
user@dev:~/git$ git clone github-Bit-Wasp-bitcoin-php:Bit-Wasp/bitcoin-php
Cloning into 'bitcoin-php'...
Enter passphrase for key '/home/user/.ssh/gitdeploy/github-Bit-Wasp-bitcoin-php':
[output trimmed]
Custom names for sessions
The default name for each session is made from the domain, organization,
and repository. Custom names can be given by providing a second argument., (*14)
$ git-deploy-key create gitbitcoin
$ git clone gitbitcoin:Bit-Wasp/bitcoin-php
Unprotected SSH key:
The --no-password
option can be set to disable encryption of the key.
This can be useful during automated deployments with scheduled updates., (*15)
user@dev:~$ git-deploy-key create --no-password
Confirm details:
Private key file: /home/user/.ssh/gitdeploy/github-Bit-Wasp-bitcoin-p2p-php
Public key file: /home/user/.ssh/gitdeploy/
The following config entry will be written:
Host github-Bit-Wasp-bitcoin-p2p-php
User git
Port 22
IdentityFile /home/user/.ssh/gitdeploy/github-Bit-Wasp-bitcoin-p2p-php
Is this ok [y/n]: y
You're using Github! You can paste the key in here:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBHfgRkFAO6Du+Drrl+viCa3PxZ51N3+SMxRj2kJ6AhN6XJifXTx39rJpbUGHpyKZQvyPC1/QQNtgShktOw0JPyw= user@dev
Saved key to disk