Amends the composer class loader to support class aliases to provide backwards compatibility for packages
Makes it possible to set environment variables for composer projects.
Writes environment variables as TypoScript constant file
Installer plugin for helhum/typo3-console, to ease usage without the need to specify scripts in your root composer.json
A composer plugin, to help install packages of different types in custom paths.
A simple extension installer for php/hhvm programs primarily for testing purposes
Composer plugin installing PHP_CodeSniffer Standards
Composer plugin for bower/npm assets
Composer plugin for config assembling
Composer plugin for pluggable extensions
composer parallel install plugin
HongYu technology all components.
HongYu technology all widgets.
Generate get, set, add, remove methods on the fly.
Installer for all the Hostnet Doctrine entity libraries
Publish vendor_dir and base_dir as constants
PHP_CodeSniffer tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. Hostnet version
This plugin allows to use repositories using the Git Flow workflow (or any other branching model) with Composer
A composer plugin, to install differenty types of composer packages in custom directories outside the default composer default installation path which is in the `vendor` folder.
An install helper for WP Migrate DB Pro and WP Migrate DB Pro Media Files
This plugin allows the installation of ImpressCMS addons from composer
Hooks into Composer autoload generation and adds Doctrine annotation autoloading
Installer for Innomatic legacy application and legacy platform itself.
A package manages all the dependency for an application
Remote configuration
An install helper for WP S3 Offload Pro and it's addons
CoreTyson plugin installer
Ensures that a Magento module has the expected Magento version installed.
Composer plugin that adds support for having custom packages installed to their source directory.
Fastfetch - A Composer plugin downloading packages into the cache.
Web Asset Installer
Auto deploy static files with composer in a public document root folder
A composer cleanup plugin, to remove tests and documentation to save space
Composer plugin checking for composer.json file in the current working directory
Plugin for Composer to declare Jelix modules automatically into a Jelix application
Composer plugin that downloads action script libraries and creates a build config xml for the actionscript compiler
Grunt integration for Composer packages.