This is a simple plugin made for easy integration with Scrutinizer, (*1)
In your projects composer.json
file, you'll first have to add the "extra"
property, this is were the plugin gets it's data from., (*2)
Inside that you'll add a property called "scrutinizer"
and inside here you add properties for each of your nodes., (*3)
Inside the node properties you can define what packages should be downloaded., (*4)
Example:, (*5)
"name": "vortrixs/app", "require": { "vortrixs/composer-scrutinizer-plugin": "*", "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "2.9.1", "joomla/coding-standards": "1.3.4", "vortrixs/joomla-namespace-checker": "1.0.0" }, "extra": { "scrutinizer": { "phpcs": [ "squizlabs/php_codesniffer", "joomla/coding-standards" ], "namespace": [ "vortrixs/joomla-namespace-checker" ] } },