9999999-devAutomatically registers WordPress-Coding-Standards
The Requires
- wp-coding-standards/wpcs *
- composer-plugin-api ^1.0
The Development Requires
by Nerijus EimanaviÄius
Automatically registers WordPress-Coding-Standards
This is Composer plugin to automatically register WordPress-Coding-Standards to PHP_CodeSniffer., (*1)
PHP_CodeSniffer by default includes these coding standards:, (*2)
The installed coding standards are Squiz, PHPCS, Zend, PEAR, MySource, PSR1 and PSR2, (*3)
With WordPress-Coding-Standards package you have:, (*4)
The installed coding standards are Squiz, PHPCS, Zend, PEAR, MySource, PSR1, PSR2, WordPress-Extra, WordPress, WordPress-VIP, WordPress-Docs and WordPress-Core, (*5)
To achieve this you have to manually run command
phpcs --config-set installed_paths '/path/to/vendor/wp-coding-standards/wpcs'
, (*6)
I written post-update-cmd script to do this in dev mode only and now want to share it with other projects and especially you., (*7)
Automatically registers WordPress-Coding-Standards