2017 © Pedro Peláez

typo3-flow-site typo3dk

typo3.dk site package



typo3.dk site package

  • Tuesday, April 2, 2013
  • by revsbech
  • Repository
  • 6 Watchers
  • 0 Stars
  • 17 Installations
  • Ruby
  • 0 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 0 Forks
  • 7 Open issues
  • 1 Versions
  • 0 % Grown


TYPO3 Danmark

TYPO3 Danmark Neos site package, (*1)

Installation instructions

This package can either be installed in a neos basis distribution, or used via te typo3dk-base-distribution which already has a requirement on this site package., (*2)

Please make sure you have composer installed on you system. See http://getcomposer.org/ for installation instructions., (*3)

To do a fresh install from a neos-base-distribution, follow these steps., (*4)

composer create-project -s dev  typo3/neos-base-distribution flow

Set your webserver to point to the flow/Web folder, (*5)

Then create a new database and edit flow/Configuration/Settings.yaml to reflect your settings, (*6)

Example:, (*7)

        host: ''
        dbname: 'typo3dk_neos'
        user: 'typo3dk_neos'
        password: ''
    loadMinifiedJavascript: FALSE

Then make sure you update your database with required tables and fields., (*8)

cd flow
./flow doctrine:create

Next use composer to fetch the latest typo3dk site package, (*9)

composer require typo3dk/typo3dk

When asked for version, type dev-master, (*10)

And then import the typo3.dk site into you installation., (*11)

./flow site:import --package-key TYPO3DK.typo3dk

Last, create a new admin user for editing the site, (*12)

./flow user:create --username USERNAME --password YOURPASSWORD --first-name YOURFIRSTNAME--last-name YOURLASTNAME --roles "Administrator"

Depending on your file permissions and user-setup, you might need to reset all permissions with (Adjust www-data to the user that runs you apache webserver), (*13)

./flow flow:core:setfilepermissions www-data www-data www-data

Enjoy!, (*14)

The Versions

02/04 2013



typo3.dk site package

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The Requires