9999999-devA block template for Moodle based on
The Requires
by Daniel Neis Araujo
A block template for Moodle based on
This is a template for Moodle blocks., (*1)
It is used by Moosh ( to generate new block plugins., (*2)
This template assumes that the block is using a textual content type by default. If you want your block to display a list of items (using $this->content->items and $this->content->icons instead of $this->content->text), change the derived class of the block, from extends block_base to extends block_list. For more information:, (*3)
Go to Settings > Site Administration > Development > XMLDB editor and modify the module's tables., (*4)
Modify version.php and set the initial version of you module., (*5)
Visit Settings > Site Administration > Notifications, you should find the module's tables successfully created, (*6)
Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Blocks > Manage blocks and you should find that this newblock has been added to the list of installed modules., (*7)
You may now proceed to run your own code in an attempt to develop your module. You will probably want to modify block_newmodule.php and edit_form.php as a first step. Check db/access.php to add capabilities., (*8)
We encourage you to share your code and experience - visit, (*9)
Good luck!, (*10)
A block template for Moodle based on