CLI for the Polylang plugin, (*1)
, (*2)
Quick links: Installation | Using | Contributing | Development, (*3)
Installing this package requires WP-CLI v1.5.0 or greater. Update to the latest stable release with wp cli update
Once you've done so, you can install this package with wp package install git@github.com:diggy/polylang-cli.git
., (*4)
This package implements the following commands:, (*5)
wp pll api
Inspect Polylang procedural API functions., (*6)
wp pll api
wp pll api list
List Polylang procedural API functions., (*7)
wp pll api list [--format=<format>]
Accepted values: table, csv, json, count, yaml. Default: table
$ wp pll api list
$ wp pll api list --format=csv
wp pll cache
Inspect and manage Polylang languages cache., (*10)
wp pll cache
wp pll cache clear
Clears the Polylang languages cache., (*11)
wp pll cache clear
$ wp pll cache clear
Success: Languages cache cleared.
$ wp pll cache clear --quiet
wp pll cache get
Gets the Polylang languages cache., (*13)
wp pll cache get [--format=<format>]
OPTIONS, (*14)
Accepted values: table, csv, json, count, yaml. Default: table
$ wp pll cache get --format=json
Success: There are 1 items in the languages cache:
$ wp pll cache get --format=csv --quiet
wp pll doctor
Troubleshoot Polylang., (*16)
wp pll doctor
wp pll doctor check
List untranslated post and term objects (translatable)., (*17)
wp pll doctor check [--format=<format>]
OPTIONS, (*18)
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- json
- count
- yaml
wp pll doctor check
wp pll doctor language
Mass install, update and prune core, theme and plugin language files., (*20)
wp pll doctor language
$ wp pll doctor language
wp pll doctor recount
Recalculate number of posts assigned to each language taxonomy term., (*22)
wp pll doctor recount
In instances where manual updates are made to the terms assigned to
posts in the database, the number of posts associated with a term
can become out-of-sync with the actual number of posts., (*23)
This command runs wp_update_term_count() on the language taxonomy's terms
to bring the count back to the correct value., (*24)
wp pll doctor recount
wp pll doctor translate
Translate untranslated posts and taxonomies in bulk., (*26)
wp pll doctor translate
wp pll doctor translate
wp pll flag
Inspect and manage Polylang country flags., (*28)
wp pll flag
wp pll flag list
List Polylang country flags., (*29)
wp pll flag list [--format=<format>]
OPTIONS, (*30)
Accepted values: table, csv, json, count, yaml. Default: table
$ wp pll flag list
$ wp pll flag list --format=csv
wp pll flag set
Set Polylang country flag for language., (*32)
wp pll flag set <language-code> <flag-code>
Run wp pll flag list
to get a list of valid flag values.
Pass an empty string as second parameter to delete the flag value., (*33)
OPTIONS, (*34)
Language code (slug) for the language to update. Required.
Valid flag code for the language to update. Required.
# set flag for Dutch language
$ wp pll flag set nl nl
# delete flag for Dutch language
$ wp pll flag set nl ""
wp pll lang
Manage Polylang language taxonomy and taxonomy terms., (*36)
wp pll lang
wp pll lang create
Create a language., (*37)
wp pll lang create <name> <language-code> <locale> [--rtl=<bool>] [--order=<int>] [--flag=<string>] [--no_default_cat=<bool>]
OPTIONS, (*38)
Language name (used only for display). Required.
Language code (slug, ideally 2-letters ISO 639-1 language code). Required.
WordPress locale. Required.
Right-to-left or left-to-right. Optional. Default: false
Language order. Optional.
Country code, see flags.php. Optional.
If set, no default category will be created for this language. Optional.
$ wp pll lang create Français fr fr_FR
$ wp pll lang create Arabic ar ar_AR --rtl=true --order=3
$ wp pll lang create --prompt
1/7 <name>: Français
2/7 <language-code>: fr
3/7 <locale>: fr_FR
4/7 [--rtl=<bool>]: 0
5/7 [--order=<int>]: 5
6/7 [--flag=<string>]: fr
7/7 [--no_default_cat=<bool>]:
Success: Language added.
wp pll lang delete
Delete one, some or all languages., (*40)
wp pll lang delete [<language-code>] [--all] [--keep_default]
Deletes Polylang languages and uninstalls core language packs if not in use by other languages., (*41)
OPTIONS, (*42)
Comma-separated slugs of the languages to delete.
Delete all languages
Whether to keep the default language.
# delete the Afrikaans language and uninstall the `af` WordPress core language pack
$ wp pll lang delete af
Success: Language deleted. af (af)
Success: Language uninstalled.
# delete all languages including the default language
$ wp pll lang delete --all
# delete all languages except the default language
$ wp pll lang delete --all --keep_default
wp pll lang generate
Generate some languages., (*44)
wp pll lang generate [--count=<number>]
OPTIONS, (*45)
How many languages to generate. Default: 10
wp pll lang generate --count=25
wp pll lang get
Get a language., (*47)
wp pll lang get <language-code> [--field=<field>] [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>]
OPTIONS, (*48)
ID of the term to get
Instead of returning the whole term, returns the value of a single field.
Limit the output to specific fields. Defaults to all fields.
Accepted values: table, json, csv, yaml. Default: table
wp pll lang get en --format=json
wp pll lang list
List installed languages., (*50)
wp pll lang list [--<field>=<value>] [--field=<field>] [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>] [--pll=<value>]
List installed languages as Polylang objects. Passing --pll=0
will output the result of wp term list language
, (*51)
OPTIONS, (*52)
Filter by one or more fields (see get_terms() $args parameter for a list of fields).
Prints the value of a single field for each term.
Limit the output to specific object fields.
Accepted values: table, csv, json, count, yaml. Default: table
Pass 0 to list languages as WP term objects.
These fields will be displayed by default for each term:, (*54)
- term_id
- name
- slug
- term_group
- count
- locale
- is_rtl
* flag_code
- term_taxonomy_id
- taxonomy
- description
- parent
- tl_term_id
- tl_term_taxonomy_id
- tl_count
- flag_url
- flag
- home_url
- search_url
- host
- mo_id
- page_on_front
- page_for_posts
- filter
These fields will be displayed by default for each term:, (*56)
- term_id
- term_taxonomy_id
- name
- slug
- description
- parent
- count
There are no optionally available fields., (*57)
# list languages as wp term objects
$ wp pll lang list --pll=0
# list properties of languages as Polylang objects
$ wp pll lang list --fields=host,mo_id,flag_code
wp pll lang update
Update a language., (*59)
wp pll lang update <language-code> [--name=<name>] [--slug=<slug>] [--locale=<locale>] [--rtl=<bool>] [--order=<int>] [--flag=<string>]
OPTIONS, (*60)
Language code (slug) for the language to update. Required.
A new name for the language (used only for display). Optional.
A new language code for the language (ideally 2-letters ISO 639-1 language code). Optional.
Optional. A new WordPress locale for the language.
Optional. RTL or LTR, 1 or 0
Optional. A new order (term_group) value for the language.
Optional. A new flag (country code) for the language, see flags.php.
wp pll lang update en --name=English --order=15
wp pll lang url
Get the URL for a language., (*62)
wp pll lang url <language-code>
OPTIONS, (*63)
The language code (slug) to get the URL for. Required.
wp pll lang url en
wp pll lang url es
Manage the WP Nav Menus., (*65)
wp pll menu
Create a new menu for each language, AND assign it to a location., (*66)
wp pll menu create <menu-name> <location> [--porcelain]
OPTIONS, (*67)
A descriptive name for the menu.
Locationâs slug.
Output just the new menu ids.
$ wp pll menu create "Primary Menu" primary
Success: Assigned location to menu.
Success: Assigned location to menu.
Success: Assigned location to menu.
$ wp pll menu create "Secondary Menu" secondary --porcelain
21 22 23
wp pll option
Inspect and manage Polylang settings., (*69)
wp pll option
wp pll option default
Gets or sets the default language., (*70)
wp pll option default [<language-code>]
OPTIONS, (*71)
Optional. The language code (slug) to set as default.
$ wp pll option default
$ wp pll option default nl
wp pll option get
Get Polylang settings., (*73)
wp pll option get <option_name> [--format=<format>]
OPTIONS, (*74)
Option name. Use the options subcommand to get a list of accepted values. Required.
Get value in a particular format.
default: var_export
- var_export
- json
- yaml
$ wp pll option get default_lang
wp pll option list
List Polylang settings., (*76)
wp pll option list [--format=<format>]
OPTIONS, (*77)
Accepted values: table, csv, json, count, yaml. Default: table
$ wp pll option list
$ wp pll option list --format=csv
wp pll option reset
Reset Polylang settings., (*79)
wp pll option reset
$ wp pll option reset
wp pll option sync
Enable post meta syncing across languages., (*81)
wp pll option sync <item>
Accepted values:, (*82)
- taxonomies
- post_meta
- comment_status
- ping_status
- sticky_posts
- post_date
- post_format
- post_parent
- _wp_page_template
- menu_order
- _thumbnail_id
OPTIONS, (*83)
Item, or comma-separated list of items, to sync. Required.
$ wp pll option sync taxonomies,post_meta
Success: Polylang `sync` option updated.
wp pll option unsync
Disable post meta syncing across languages., (*85)
wp pll option unsync <item>
Accepted values:, (*86)
- taxonomies
- post_meta
- comment_status
- ping_status
- sticky_posts
- post_date
- post_format
- post_parent
- _wp_page_template
- menu_order
- _thumbnail_id
OPTIONS, (*87)
Item, or comma-separated list of items, to unsync. Required.
$ wp pll option unsync post_format,_wp_page_template
Success: Polylang `sync` option updated.
wp pll option update
Update Polylang settings., (*89)
wp pll option update <option_name> <new_value>
OPTIONS, (*90)
Option name. Use the options subcommand to get a list of accepted values. Required.
New value for the option. Required.
$ wp pll option update default_lang nl
wp pll post
Manage posts and their translations., (*92)
wp pll post
wp pll post count
Count posts for a language., (*93)
wp pll post count <language-code> [--post_type=<post_type>]
OPTIONS, (*94)
The language code (slug) to get the post count for. Required.
One or more post types to get the count for for. Default: post. Optional.
wp pll post count nl
wp pll post count es --post_type=page
wp pll post generate
Generate some posts and their translations., (*96)
wp pll post generate [--count=<number>] [--post_type=<type>] [--post_status=<status>] [--post_author=<login>] [--post_date=<yyyy-mm-dd>] [--post_content] [--max_depth=<number>] [--format=<format>]
Creates a specified number of sets of new posts with dummy data., (*97)
OPTIONS, (*98)
How many posts to generate?
default: 5
The type of the generated posts.
default: post
The status of the generated posts.
default: publish
The author of the generated posts.
The date of the generated posts. Default: current date
If set, the command reads the post_content from STDIN.
For hierarchical post types, generate child posts down to a certain depth.
default: 1
Render output in a particular format.
default: ids
- progress
- ids
# Generate posts.
$ wp pll post generate --count=10 --post_type=page --post_date=1999-01-04
Generating posts 100% [================================================] 0:01 / 0:04
# Generate posts with fetched content.
$ curl http://loripsum.net/api/5 | wp pll post generate --post_content --count=10
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 2509 100 2509 0 0 616 0 0:00:04 0:00:04 --:--:-- 616
Generating posts 100% [================================================] 0:01 / 0:04
# Add meta to every generated posts.
$ wp pll post generate --format=ids | xargs -d ' ' -I % wp post meta add % foo bar
Success: Added custom field.
Success: Added custom field.
Success: Added custom field.
wp pll post create
Create a new post and its translations., (*100)
wp pll post create --post_type=<type> [--<field>=<value>] [--stdin] [--porcelain]
OPTIONS, (*101)
The type of the new posts. Required.
Associative args for the new posts. See wp_insert_post(). These values will take precendence over input from STDIN.
Read structured JSON from STDIN.
Output just the new post ids.
EXAMPLES, (*102)
# Create a post and duplicate it to all languages
$ wp pll post create --post_type=page --post_title="Blog" --post_status=publish
Success: Created and linked 2 posts of the page post type.
# Create a post and its translations using structured JSON
$ echo '{"nl":{"post_title":"Dutch title","post_content":"Dutch content"},"de":{"post_title":"German title","post_content":"German content"}}' | wp pll post create --post_type=post --stdin
Success: Created and linked 2 posts of the post post type.
wp pll post get
List a post and its translations, or get a post for a language., (*103)
wp pll post get <post_id> [<language-code>] [--api]
OPTIONS, (*104)
Post ID of the post to get. Required.
The language code (slug) to get the post ID for, when using the --api flag. Optional.
Use the Polylang API function pll_get_post()
EXAMPLES, (*105)
wp pll post get 12
wp pll post get 1 es --api
wp pll post update
Update one or more existing posts and their translations., (*106)
wp pll post update <id>... [<file>] --<field>=<value> [--defer-term-counting]
OPTIONS, (*107)
One or more IDs of posts to update.
Read post content from <file>. If this value is present, the
`--post_content` argument will be ignored.
Passing -
as the filename will cause post content to
be read from STDIN., (*108)
One or more fields to update. See wp_update_post().
Recalculate term count in batch, for a performance boost.
EXAMPLES, (*109)
$ wp pll post update 13 --comment_status=closed
Success: Updated post 13.
wp pll post delete
Delete a post and its translations., (*110)
wp pll post delete <post_id> [--force] [--defer-term-counting]
OPTIONS, (*111)
Post ID of the a translated post to delete. Required.
Skip the trash bin.
Recalculate term count in batch, for a performance boost.
EXAMPLES, (*112)
wp pll post delete 32
wp pll post duplicate
Duplicate a post to one or more languages., (*113)
wp pll post duplicate <post_id> [<language-code>]
Syncs metadata and taxonomy terms, based on Polylang settings. Run wp pll option list
to inspect current settings., (*114)
OPTIONS, (*115)
Post ID of the post to duplicate. Required.
Language code (slug), or comma-separated list of language codes, to duplicate the post to. Omit to duplicate to all languages. Optional.
EXAMPLES, (*116)
# Duplicate post 23 (Dutch) to German
$ wp pll post duplicate 23 de
Success: Created post 68 (de) < post 23 (nl)
# Duplicate post 23 (Dutch) to all languages (German and Spanish)
$ wp pll post duplicate 23
Success: Updated post 68 (de) < post 23 (nl)
Success: Created post 69 (es) < post 23 (nl)
wp pll post list
Get a list of posts in a language., (*117)
wp pll post list <language-code> [--<field>=<value>] [--field=<field>] [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>]
NB: Like Polylang, this command passes a lang
parameter to WP_Query,
i.e. wp post list --lang=<language-code>
., (*118)
OPTIONS, (*119)
The language code (slug) to get the post count for. Required.
One or more args to pass to WP_Query.
Prints the value of a single field for each post.
Limit the output to specific object fields.
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- ids
- json
- count
- yaml
These fields will be displayed by default for each post:, (*121)
- ID
- post_title
- post_name
- post_date
- post_status
These fields are optionally available:, (*122)
- post_author
- post_date_gmt
- post_content
- post_excerpt
- comment_status
- ping_status
- post_password
- to_ping
- pinged
- post_modified
- post_modified_gmt
- post_content_filtered
- post_parent
- guid
- menu_order
- post_type
- post_mime_type
- comment_count
- filter
- url
EXAMPLES, (*123)
wp pll post list nl
# List post
$ wp pll post list es --field=ID
# List posts in JSON
$ wp pll post list en-gb --post_type=post --posts_per_page=5 --format=json
[{"ID":1,"post_title":"Hello world!","post_name":"hello-world","post_date":"2015-06-20 09:00:10","post_status":"publish"},{"ID":1178,"post_title":"Markup: HTML Tags and Formatting","post_name":"markup-html-tags-and-formatting","post_date":"2013-01-11 20:22:19","post_status":"draft"}]
# List all pages
$ wp pll post list nl --post_type=page --fields=post_title,post_status
| post_title | post_status |
| Sample Page | publish |
# List ids of all pages and posts
$ wp pll post list es --post_type=page,post --format=ids
15 25 34 37 198
# List given posts
$ wp pll post list nl --post__in=1,3
| ID | post_title | post_name | post_date | post_status |
| 1 | Hello world! | hello-world | 2016-06-01 14:31:12 | publish |
wp pll post-type
Inspect and manage WordPress post types and their translation status., (*124)
wp pll post-type
wp pll post-type disable
Disable translation for post types., (*125)
wp pll post-type disable <post_types>
OPTIONS, (*126)
One or a comma-separated list of post types to disable translation for.
EXAMPLES, (*127)
wp pll post-type disable book
wp pll post-type enable
Enable translation for post types., (*128)
wp pll post-type enable <post_types>
OPTIONS, (*129)
One or a comma-separated list of post types to enable translation for.
EXAMPLES, (*130)
wp pll post-type enable book
wp pll post-type list
List post types with their translation status., (*131)
wp pll post-type list
EXAMPLES, (*132)
wp pll post-type list
wp pll plugin uninstall
Uninstall Polylang and optionally remove all data., (*133)
wp pll plugin uninstall [--force] [--skip-delete]
OPTIONS, (*134)
Ignores the Polylang `uninstall` setting and force deletes all data.
If set, the plugin files will not be deleted. Only the uninstall procedure
will be run.
EXAMPLES, (*135)
$ wp pll uninstall
$ wp pll uninstall --force
$ wp pll uninstall --force --skip-delete
wp pll string
Inspect and manage Polylang string translations., (*136)
wp pll string
wp pll string list
List string translations., (*137)
wp pll string list [<language-code>] [--fields=<value>] [--format=<format>] [--s=<value>] [--orderby=<value>] [--order=<value>]
OPTIONS, (*138)
The language code (slug) to get the string translations for. Optional.
Limit the output to specific object fields. Valid values are: name, string, context, multiline, translations, row.
Accepted values: table, csv, json, count, yaml. Default: table
Search for a string in `name` and `string` fields.
Define which column to sort.
Define the order of the results, asc or desc.
EXAMPLES, (*139)
$ wp pll string list --s="WordPress site"
$ wp pll string list --order=asc --orderby=string
$ wp pll string list de --fields=string,translations
$ wp pll string list es --format=csv
wp pll taxonomy
Inspect and manage WordPress taxonomies and their translation status., (*140)
wp pll taxonomy
wp pll taxonomy disable
Disable translation for taxonomies., (*141)
wp pll taxonomy disable <taxonomies>
OPTIONS, (*142)
Taxonomy or comma-separated list of taxonomies to disable translation for.
EXAMPLES, (*143)
wp pll taxonomy disable genre
wp pll taxonomy enable
Enable translation for taxonomies., (*144)
wp pll taxonomy enable <taxonomies>
OPTIONS, (*145)
Taxonomy or comma-separated list of taxonomies to enable translation for.
EXAMPLES, (*146)
wp pll taxonomy enable genre
wp pll taxonomy list
List taxonomies with their translation status., (*147)
wp pll taxonomy list [--format=<format>]
OPTIONS, (*148)
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- ids
- json
- count
- yaml
EXAMPLES, (*149)
wp pll taxonomy list
wp pll term
Inspect and manage WordPress taxonomy terms and their translations., (*150)
wp pll term
wp pll term get
Get details about a translated term., (*151)
wp pll term get <taxonomy> <term-id> [--field=<field>] [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>] [--api]
OPTIONS, (*152)
Taxonomy of the term to get
ID of the term to get
Instead of returning the whole term, returns the value of a single field.
Limit the output to specific fields. Defaults to all fields.
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- json
- yaml
Use the Polylang API function pll_get_term_translations()
EXAMPLES, (*153)
# Get details about a category with term ID 18.
$ wp pll term get category 18
wp pll term duplicate
Duplicate a taxonomy term to one or more languages., (*154)
wp pll term duplicate <taxonomy> <term-id> [<language-code>]
OPTIONS, (*155)
Taxonomy of the term to duplicate
ID of the term to duplicate
Language code (slug), or comma-separated list of language codes, to duplicate the term to. Omit to duplicate to all languages. Optional.
EXAMPLES, (*156)
# Duplicate term 18 of the category taxonomy to all other languages.
$ wp pll term duplicate category 18
wp pll term delete
Delete an existing taxonomy term and its translations., (*157)
wp pll term delete <taxonomy> <term-id>...
Errors if the term doesn't exist, or there was a problem in deleting it., (*158)
OPTIONS, (*159)
Taxonomy of the term to delete.
One or more IDs of terms to delete.
EXAMPLES, (*160)
# Delete a term (English) and its translations (Spanish, French)
$ wp pll term delete post_tag 56
Deleted post_tag 56.
Deleted post_tag 57.
Deleted post_tag 58.
Success: Deleted 3 of 3 terms.
wp pll term list
Get a list of taxonomy terms for a language., (*161)
wp pll term list <taxonomy> <language-code> [--<field>=<value>] [--field=<field>] [--fields=<fields>] [--format=<format>]
OPTIONS, (*162)
List terms of one or more taxonomies. Required.
The language code (slug) to get the taxonomy terms for. Required.
Filter by one or more fields (see get_terms() $args parameter for a list of fields).
Prints the value of a single field for each term.
Limit the output to specific object fields.
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- ids
- json
- count
- yaml
These fields will be displayed by default for each term:, (*164)
- term_id
- term_taxonomy_id
- name
- slug
- description
- parent
- count
These fields are optionally available:, (*165)
EXAMPLES, (*166)
# List post categories
$ wp pll term list color nl --format=csv
# List post tags
$ wp pll term list post_tag en --fields=name,slug
| name | slug |
| Articles | articles |
| aside | aside |
wp pll term generate
Generate some taxonomy terms and their translations., (*167)
wp pll term generate <taxonomy> [--count=<number>] [--max_depth=<number>] [--format=<format>]
Creates a specified number of sets of new terms and their translations with dummy data., (*168)
OPTIONS, (*169)
The taxonomy for the generated terms.
How many sets of terms to generate?
default: 5
Generate child terms down to a certain depth.
default: 1
Render output in a particular format.
default: table
- table
- csv
- json
- yaml
- ids
EXAMPLES, (*170)
# Generate some post categories, and translations.
$ wp pll term generate category --count=3 --format=ids
115 116 117 118 119 120
We appreciate you taking the initiative to contribute to this project., (*171)
Contributing isnât limited to just code. We encourage you to contribute in the way that best fits your abilities, by writing tutorials, giving a demo at your local meetup, helping other users with their support questions, or revising our documentation., (*172)
For a more thorough introduction, check out WP-CLI's guide to contributing. This package follows those policy and guidelines., (*173)
Reporting a bug
Think youâve found a bug? Weâd love for you to help us get it fixed., (*174)
Before you create a new issue, you should search existing issues to see if thereâs an existing resolution to it, or if itâs already been fixed in a newer version., (*175)
Once youâve done a bit of searching and discovered there isnât an open or fixed issue for your bug, please create a new issue. Include as much detail as you can, and clear steps to reproduce if possible. For more guidance, review our bug report documentation., (*176)
Creating a pull request
Want to contribute a new feature? Please first open a new issue to discuss whether the feature is a good fit for the project., (*177)
Once you've decided to commit the time to seeing your pull request through, please follow our guidelines for creating a pull request to make sure it's a pleasant experience. See "Setting up" for details specific to working on this package locally., (*178)
Behat Tests
To run the Behat tests for polylang-cli, cd
into the package directory and run $ ./vendor/bin/behat --expand
from the command line. To run a specific group of tests use the tags
parameter; e.g.: $ ./vendor/bin/behat --expand --tags @pll-lang
, (*179)
This README.md is generated dynamically from the project's codebase using wp scaffold package-readme
(doc). To suggest changes, please submit a pull request against the corresponding part of the codebase., (*180)