9999999-devUse Amazon S3 as the file storage backend for your store.
The Requires
by Thai Phan
plugin s3 aws cdn module magento2 magento magento 2
Use Amazon S3 as the file storage backend for your store.
Arkade's S3 extension for Magento 2 allows retailers to upload their catalogue and WYSIWYG images straight to Amazon S3., (*1)
This extension is easy to use with little configuration! You only need to follow a few simple steps (and one of them is simply to create a copy of your images as a precaution) to get up and running!, (*2)
The following images are automatically saved to S3:, (*3)
Complex file syncing between multiple servers is now a thing of the past with this extension. All your servers will be able to share the one S3 bucket as the single source of media., (*4)
CloudFront CDN supports using S3 as an origin server so you can significantly reduce load on your servers., (*5)
Run following command, (*6)
composer config repositories.magento2-s3 vcs composer require arkade/magento2-s3:dev-master php bin/magento module:enable Arkade_S3 php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Go to Stores -> Configuration -> ARKADE EXTENSIONS, enter s3 information., (*7)
Go to Stores -> Configuration -> Advanced -> System -> Media Storage, change to Amazon S3 and press Synchronize., (*8)
Go to Stores -> Configuration -> General -> Web. Change the Base URL for User Media Files and Secure Base URL for User Media Files to s3 url or cloud front url., (*9)
We have a Troubleshooting page on our wiki that we'll keep up to date with any issues that the community might have with the extension., (*10)
If you can't find the answer you're looking for, however, feel free to create a GitHub issue or send us an email for support regarding this extension., (*11)
No, the S3 extension only syncs across the media folder. You will need to find an alternative solution to store your log files., (*12)
We always recommend taking a backup of your media files when switching file storage systems. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to restore images if you somehow accidentally delete them., (*13)
Use Amazon S3 as the file storage backend for your store.
plugin s3 aws cdn module magento2 magento magento 2