A generic job queuing package for Magento 2
This module provides functionality to schedule and run jobs in a queue for Magento2. The basic idea is to allow developers to defer tasks that would otherwise delay the page load time and cause site slowness. Example use cases may be sending an email, communicating with a remote API, or running cleanup tasks in the background., (*2)
While originally written for our Springbot Magento2 integration, this module can be utilized for many other use cases., (*3)
The module provides both programmatic and command line ways to enqueue, run, and view jobs. The key components of a job are a fully qualified class name, a method name, and a list of arguments. There are a few requirements: the class must be autoloadable, the method must be public, and the params must not contain objects. Additional options are priority, queue name, and "run at" time., (*4)
Composer is the preferred method of installation:, (*5)
composer require springbot/magento2-queue php bin/magento module:enable Springbot_Queue
Enqueue a job, (*6)
php bin/magento springbot:queue:enqueue <class> <method> [<queue>] [<priority>] [<params>1] ... [<params>N]
List current jobs in the queue, (*7)
php bin/magento springbot:queue:list
Process the queue, (*8)
php bin/magento springbot:queue:process
<?php namespace Your\Name\Space; use Springbot\Queue\Model\Queue; class QueueExample { private $queue; /** * QueueExample constructor * @param Queue $queue */ public function __construct(Queue $queue) { $this->queue = $queue; } /** * Queue examples */ public function runQueueExamples() { // Enqueue a job $this->queue->scheduleJob('\Fully\Qualified\ClassName', 'methodToRun', ['arg1', 'arg2']); // Process the queue $this->queue->runNextJob(); // Get a collection of current jobs $jobs = $this->queue->getCollection(); } }
To process the queue make a GET request to the following API endpoint:, (*9)
To view current jobs make a GET request to the following API endpoint:, (*10)
For security purposes jobs cannot be enqueued directly from the web API., (*11)