An extension for Magento 2
Allows your site's visitor to quickly view product details and add products to cart right from the popup window on a category page. Enhance user experience by reducing the complexity of 'add to cart' progress., (*1)
There are some of the QuickView extensions out there already why build this?, (*2)
I am a Magento developer but in most of my time is working with the Magento 1.9.X version. So first reason is to grow my experiences in Magento 2 development., (*3)
The extensions as I found online they usually built the extension for building brand image. So there will advertisements and they might not that care the customers who do not pay them., (*4)
Having an own version so easier to maintain and extend., (*5)
``` bash composer require siyu/magento-2-core-block-patch:dev-master composer require siyu/magento-2-quickview:dev-master ./bin/magento module:enable Siyu_BlockPatch Siyu_QuickView ./bin/magento setup:upgrade ./bin/magento setup:di:compile, (*6)
## Uninstall ``` bash ./bin/magento module:disable Siyu_BlockPatch Siyu_QuickView --clear-static-content composer remove siyu/magento-2-quickview composer remove siyu/magento-2-core-block-patch ./bin/magento setup:di:compile
Notes: 1. Code tidyup 2. Allow to hide sku from backend setting 3. Add BlockPatch dependency to allow ifconfig in remove handler, (*7)
Released on 2018-01-20, (*8)
Notes: 1. Fix swatches not displaying in the quickview popup window issue, (*9)
Released on 2018-01-17, (*10)
Notes: 1. Remove tingle js library 2. Using Magento Modal Widget instead 3. Use iframe in quickview popup, (*11)
Released on 2018-01-16, (*12)
Notes: 1. Improve QuickView button style 2. Added search icon, (*13)
Released on 2018-01-14, (*14)
Notes: 1. Allow users to install the extension by Composer 2. Documentation update: installation & uninstall guide, (*15)
Released on 2018-01-14, (*16)