TODO, (*1)
TODO, (*2)
Below, you can find two ways to install the admin theme switcher module. With the release of Magento 2.0, you'll also be able to install modules using the Magento Marketplaces., (*3)
First, make sure that Composer is installed: https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md, (*4)
Make sure that Packagist repository is not disabled., (*5)
Run Composer require to install the module:, (*6)
php <your Composer install dir>/composer.phar require shopgo/module-admin-theme-switcher:~1.0
Clone the admin-theme-switcher repository using either the HTTPS or SSH protocols., (*7)
Create a directory for the admin theme switcher module and copy the cloned repository contents to it:, (*8)
mkdir -p <your Magento install dir>/app/code/ShopGo/AdminThemeSwitcher cp -R <admin-theme-switcher clone dir>/* <your Magento install dir>/app/code/ShopGo/AdminThemeSwitcher
If you added the module to an existing Magento installation, run the following command:, (*9)
php <your Magento install dir>/bin/magento setup:upgrade
Enter the following command:, (*10)
php <your Magento install dir>/bin/magento module:status
The following confirms you installed the module correctly, and that it's enabled:, (*11)
example List of enabled modules: ... ShopGo_AdminThemeSwitcher ...
TODO, (*12)
Ammar (ammar@shopgo.me), (*13)
Open Source License, (*14)