Payment Messages for Magento 2.x
, (*1)
This module allows to pass error messages from Payment Service Providers to a Checkout Payments page., (*2)
The Pronko_PaymentMessages module consists of 2 plugins for Magento_Checkout module.
The Pronko\PaymentMessages\Plugin\GuestPaymentInformationManagement
class intercepts the Magento\Checkout\Model\GuestPaymentInformationManagement::savePaymentInformationAndPlaceOrder
The Pronko\PaymentMessages\Plugin\PaymentInformationManagement
class intercepts the Magento\Checkout\Model\PaymentInformationManagement::savePaymentInformationAndPlaceOrder
method., (*3)
Both plugins pass the Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
exceptions assuming it as messages which are allowed to be shown for a customer., (*4)
Note: There are payment integrations which throw exceptions which should not be shown to a customer. It is recommended to check payment integration on staging environment to avoid any security information leak via error messages., (*5)
Specific Payment Methods
You may also limit messages to specific payment modules., (*6)
Add the following declaration into the di.xml file of your payment module:, (*7)
<type name="Pronko\PaymentMessages\Model\MethodList">
<argument name="methodCodes" xsi:type="array">
<item name="payment_code_example" xsi:type="string">payment_code_example</item>