dev-hotfix/noStockDisabledPatchworks Connector module for Magento2
OSL-3.0 AFL-3.0
by patchworks
Patchworks Connector module for Magento2
The Magento2 Patchworks Connector, provides extensions to the standard Magento2 REST API to give a few extra features that come in handy when importing/exporting data from Magento2., (*1)
To install and enable the module, run the following commands from the root location of your Magento2 installation: 1. composer require patchworks/magento2-connector 2. php bin/magento module:enable Patchworks_Connector, (*2)
This module is still in first release beta., (*3)
Patchworks middleware helps integrate data between different business
systems. Check out the website above for more information., (*4)
Reindex (GET)
Allows a remote system to trigger a reindex process via the REST API., (*5)
REST API Error Report
Allows the remote retrieval of the webapi-X error from the logs folder., (*6)
Image Search (GET)
Allows a remote system to search the /media/import folder for image
references that have a file name matching the SKU passed in the URL.
Matching images are then returned as an array for use in external systems., (*7)
Mass Stock Update (PUT)
Allowance for external systems to post stock levels on mass, the module
then updates the database directly with the new stock level data., (*8)
When sending data to this function it expects the following format:, (*9)
{ 'stock_items': { 'sku': 'ABC123', 'qty': 49 }, { 'sku': 'FJ3FF', 'qty': 23 } }
Mass Stock Export (GET)
Allows the export of all stocklevels from the Magento system in a single call., (*10)
Patchworks Connector module for Magento2
OSL-3.0 AFL-3.0