Magecom Brand module
This module for magento 2, (*1)
What adding? * brand field to product * data management to admin panel * two new pages to front * * list of brands * * list products by brands, (*2)
This library can be found on Packagist., (*3)
The recommended way to install In magento admin interface:, (*4)
Off secure keys in "Stores->Configuration->Advanced->Admin->Security->Add Secret Key to URLs", (*5)
Then disable and clean cache, (*6)
In console, (*7)
In root directory of you project $ php bin/magento cache:disable $ php bin/magento cache:clean $ php bin/magento cache:flush
Then install module, (*8)
In root directory of you project $ composer require magecom/module-brand
Then after the successful installation, you need to update the data, (*9)
In root directory of you project $ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Installation completed, (*10)
If you want to uninstall you can write in console, (*11)
In root directory of you project $ php bin/magento module:uninstall Magecom_Brand
Note: the uninstall command seems bugged and might get stuck at ``` Removing code from Magento codebase, (*12)
When this happens you should exit with ctrl+c and run
For get