Magento 2 - Cron Scheduler
Composer Installation, (*1)
cd path_to_the_magento_root_directory
composer require kiwicommerce/module-cron-scheduler
composer require kiwicommerce/module-cron-scheduler:1.0.6
cd path_to_the_magento_root_directory
php bin/magento module:enable KiwiCommerce_CronScheduler
php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:di:compile php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy php bin/magento cache:flush
Find More details on KiwiCommerce, (*2)
You will have a list of all cron jobs with their groups, cron expression, job code and other useful information., (*3)
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You will have a list of scheduled jobs with their respective status., (*5)
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You can create a new cron job by clicking on Add New Cron Job. You need to add different valid information while creating it., (*7)
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You will have a beautiful timeline for each cron job., (*9)
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You need to follow this path. Stores > Configuration > KIWICOMMERCE EXTENSIONS > Cron Scheduler, (*11)
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You can analyze the actual time taken by each job on magento dashboard., (*13)
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Feel free to get in touch with us at, (*15)
-Magento 2.4.6, (*16)
-Magento 2.4.7, (*17)
Well unfortunately there is no formal way to contribute, we would encourage you to feel free and contribute by:, (*18)
We love answering questions or doubts simply ask us in issue section. We're looking forward to hearing from you!, (*19)