Twitter feed.
Twitter feeds using the most popular TwitterOAuth PHP library., (*1)
Multiple configuration options giving you full control over your tweets. Global integration option available along with an easy to use widget., (*2)
Recommended installation through composer, within your Magento root directory enter the following:, (*3)
composer require alvis/magento2-twitter
php bin/magento module:enable Alvis_Core php bin/magento module:enable Alvis_Twitter
You may also need to re-compile:, (*4)
php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:di:compile
You will need to create a Twitter app to get your API credentials. Please use the following steps as a guide:, (*5)
The module configuration can be found through the main menu under Alvis. As a minimum please ensure you enter your screen name, consumer key, consumer key secret, access token and access token secret., (*6)
Multiple settings available giving you full control over your tweets including:, (*7)
Multiple settings for when tweets include images:, (*8)
Display tweets based off a search query, used when displaying searched tweets., (*9)
By default Twitter displays in the main content., (*10)
Extend the layout within your theme <VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Alvis_Twitter/layout/default.xml
., (*11)
Move xml block:, (*12)
<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd"> <body> <move element="alvis_twitter.latest" destination="footer" after="-" /> <move element="alvis_twitter.mentions" destination="footer" after="-" /> <move element="" destination="footer" after="-" /> </body> </page>
Remove xml block:, (*13)
<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd"> <body> <referenceContainer name="main"> <referenceBlock name="alvis_twitter.latest" remove="true" /> <referenceBlock name="alvis_twitter.mentions" remove="true" /> <referenceBlock name="" remove="true" /> </referenceContainer> </body> </page>
Update xml block arguments:, (*14)
<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd"> <body> <referenceBlock name="alvis_twitter.latest"> <arguments> <argument name="title" xsi:type="string">New Block Title</argument> </arguments> </referenceBlock> </body> </page>
Override the default templates within your theme create the following files:, (*15)
<VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Alvis_Twitter/templates/tweets.phtml <VendorName>/<ThemeName>/Alvis_Twitter/templates/widget/tweets.phtml
The original contents of the files can be found under:, (*16)
<Root>/vendor/alvis/magento2-twitter/view/frontend/templates/tweets.phtml <Root>/vendor/alvis/magento2-twitter/view/frontend/templates/widget/tweets.phtml
Alternatively you can use the Twitter Feed widget which has the following settings available:, (*17)
Currently no styling is provided with the module, please create your own., (*18)