9999999-devMagento 2 component home.
OSL-3.0 AFL-3.0
The Requires
- php ~5.5.0|~5.6.0|~7.0.0
- magento/magento-composer-installer *
Magento 2 component home.
Magento 2 development home., (*1)
In your project's composer.json file under 'require' add:
"glugox/core": "*"
, (*2)
Under 'repositories' add this repo so the composer can get these files:
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
, (*3)
At the time of writing this, you will probably have to change the minimum stabillity to dev:
"minimum-stability": "dev"
, (*4)
At the end simply run:
composer update
, (*5)
Magento 2 component home.
OSL-3.0 AFL-3.0