A module for managing scheduled cron jobs from magento's admin panel
Control Your Cron, (*1)
In your Magento2 root directory, you may install this package via composer:, (*3)
composer require ethanyehuda/magento2-cronjobmanager
, (*4)
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
, (*5)
CJM Ver. | Magento 2.0 | Magento 2.1 | Magento 2.2 | Magento 2.3 | Magento 2.4 |
1.x | :x: | :x: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
Take command of all processes running on your Magento 2 instance. You will be able to manage all scheduled cron jobs, which means you have complete control over what tasks fire behind the scenes. An administrator will have the ability of scheduling, removing, editing, analyzing, and running any, and all cron jobs in the cron_schedule table., (*6)
, (*7)
With the Timeline feature, you can see all scheduled tasks registered by Magento's scheduler queue, and quickly analyize important details pertaining to all your tasks. The timeline feature comes with dynamic scaling, live reloading, and tooltips to help you better interface with the scheduler., (*8)
, (*9)
The configuration panel boasts a list of features including:, (*10)
Cron expression editing, (*11)
Grants access to changing the frequency of any cron job in Magento, (*12)
This also allows you to disable cron jobs by removing the expression, (*13)
System default configuration restore, (*14)
Revert back to the system's default configuration, (*15)
Schedule Now, (*16)
Gives the ability to schedule any task immediately and in the background. Unlike the dispatch feature on the dashboard, which runs the cron on the forefront, scheduling a task from the configuration panel will allow the system to call it asynchronously, (*17)
Cron Runner, (*18)
Forces Magento to run the scheduler queue on command, (*19)
, (*20)
Use the command line tools to run any cron job and view all tasks in the system:, (*21)
For example: php bin/magento cronmanager:showjobs
, (*22)
, (*23)
You can configure email addresses to be notified if a job has an error. These settings can be found in Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> Advanced -> System -> Cron Job Manager., (*24)
, (*25)
The Cron Job Manager is an arsenal of tools that administrators can use to manipulate Magento's scheduler features. It's perfect for debugging obscure issues with custom or native processes (cron jobs) that run on Magento's scheduler queue. There are many use cases where administrators need to keep track of tasks and force them to behave in a specific way. The Cron Job Manager can do it all!, (*26)
, (*27)
For issues, please use the issue tracker., (*28)
Issues keep this project alive and strong, so let us know if you find anything!, (*29)
We're planning on pumping out a ton of new features, which you can follow on our project page., (*30)
If you want to contribute please follow the below instructions:, (*31)
git checkout -b my-new-feature
branch (ex. 1.x-develop)git push origin my-new-feature
)Current maintainers:, (*32)
See also our contributers, (*33)