DMC_Performance is a module that summarizes some tweaks found for Magento 2.
It does so without aiming to remove functionality (apart from the reports and visitor logging...)., (*1)
This results in a slightly faster page load though it may not be noticeable when not comparing stats., (*2)
Magento versions compatibility
Currently the module was tested with Magento Open Source 2.2.2 and is depending on this version at least., (*3)
- Removal of report events and visitor logging
- Tweaking of import bunch sizes to speed up imports (use with care, it may result in higher memory usage)
- Enhances batch sizes for product import types (use with care, it may result in higher memory usage)
- Command dmc:catalog:images:resize for faster image resizing using an image ID whitelist
- Aggregated product data attachment on product lists for data that would be called with single queries otherwise
- Default store configuration settings for flat catalog, async indexing, cron process usage (DB savings on the values will overwrite this)
- General cache helper (not PSR-6, but it's usable for quick usage) to save and load custom caches
- Cloudflare module fix (to be removed here, it should not make problems at all though)
- Add a store_id to anonymous block caches, so they will be cacheable for their distinct stores
- Topmenu category data custom cache (if you know how to use a collection cache, please let me know)
- Caching of product attribute options on the frontend using a custom cache
The package should be available via packagist.org, so it can be installed directly., (*4)
composer require dmc/m2-module-performance:^1.0
php bin/magento module:enable DMC_Base
php bin/magento module:enable DMC_Performance
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Optionally do all the things required for production usage., (*5)
There are a few features, which can be utilized here., (*6)
Faster image resizing
When rendering a page with product images, Magento will generate product cache images on the fly which can be time intensive.
On the other hand, the image cache generation from Magento using catalog:images:resize
will usually generate too many images
not required for sure. Because of this, the generation will take a long time and create images you may not use at all., (*7)
Using the command dmc:catalog:images:resize
you can start the image resizing process which will
create cached images for Magento much faster. To do this, it will use a product collection instead of loading products one by one using load() and filter the images to create., (*8)
Beware, this is currently using a whitelist in the view.xml!
There are 2 nodes you can use and you have to understand how images will be generated. Please consult the Magento documentation for image properties in themes first:
http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.2/frontend-dev-guide/themes/theme-images.html, (*9)
This is an example configuration you an use in your view.xml:
<!-- Generate with command dmc:catalog:image:resize -->
<var name="generate_image_ids">
<var name="cart_cross_sell_products">cart_cross_sell_products</var>
<var name="cart_page_product_thumbnail">cart_page_product_thumbnail</var>
<var name="category_page_grid">category_page_grid</var>
<var name="category_page_list">category_page_list</var>
<var name="customer_account_product_review_page">customer_account_product_review_page</var>
<var name="product_base_image">product_base_image</var>
<var name="product_thumbnail_image">product_thumbnail_image</var>
<var name="mini_cart_product_thumbnail">mini_cart_product_thumbnail</var>
<var name="related_products_list">related_products_list</var>
<var name="recently_viewed_products_grid_content_widget">recently_viewed_products_grid_content_widget</var>
<var name="recently_viewed_products_images_names_widget">recently_viewed_products_images_names_widget</var>
<var name="recently_viewed_products_list_content_widget">recently_viewed_products_list_content_widget</var>
<var name="upsell_products_list">upsell_products_list</var>
<var name="wishlist_thumbnail">wishlist_thumbnail</var>
<var name="wishlist_sidebar_block">wishlist_sidebar_block</var>
<var name="related_product_image">related_product_image</var>
<var name="generate_gallery_image_ids">
<var name="product_page_image_small">product_page_image_small</var>
<var name="product_page_image_medium_no_frame">product_page_image_medium_no_frame</var>
<var name="product_page_image_large_no_frame">product_page_image_large_no_frame</var>
<var name="product_base_image">product_base_image</var>
<var name="product_thumbnail_image">product_thumbnail_image</var>
, (*10)
For generate_image_ids
, only the corresponding attached images to the attribute will be geenrated.
For generate_gallery_image_ids
, all images will be generated as the media gallery will load them as as well., (*11)
To know which image IDs will be used, you can search your code or log calls for the image cache helpers., (*12)
If you never have to remove the cached images, you can just rerun this command as a cronjob using php bin/magento dmc:catalog:images:resize
., (*13)
Collection data preloading
The collection data enhancement will collect and add data that would be loaded in single queries when visiting a list block:, (*14)
- Add DMC\Performance\Helper\Catalog via dependency injection
- Use your collection with the helper method:
Depending on how customized your code is, this can save quite some sql queries.
Currently it will attache the following data:
* Tier prices
* Stock items (not always needed though, may be separated later)
* Catalog rule prices
* Category IDs, (*15)
Things that will not be added with this, but could be useful depending on your code:
* URL rewrites
* Website IDs/Names
* General attributes, (*16)
- Fix for empty categories
- Add compatibility
- Add LICENCE.md